
I made an interesting mistake here, Karma is the name the Tarot of the Spirit by Eakins gives to no XI, which for her is Justice - using a Kabbalistic path (the branch between Severity, Geburah and Truth, Tiphareth). More on that when I finish my essay on 8/11 (and the sun inbetwen, since 11 is considered a solar number by some, but it's hard to figure out why).

Your title translates for me as Trial (of the soul) or Examination, even Probation. It would be the equivalent of feeling the Effect-part of karma, after the Cause that's been looked at up close in Force. It's an important stage in yoga practice: to pause and let it all flop down heavy to earth, while the soul rises above (frees itself from gravity).

There is, for me always, so much interlinking for cards 8.11.12 that I often jumble them up.
Clearly, from the history of the Tarot, more people have been confused (and experimenting)!

The scales of Justice are entirely dependent on gravity, here the lessons of life test your perception and reaction. The hanged man has surrended fully to gravity - head first - and then again not, for he remains suspended. This you emphasise all the more by not having him hang from anything but keeping him hanging in mid air (on a rope of his his own delusions rooted in thinking). The portal usually depicted by branches from which a gallows is made, IS the trial: which has a free-falling quality to it. The right perception of justice is reflected in the two eyes - taken out for now, to let the cosmic light shine in and out for fresh rooting.

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