❣️ "ART FOR A LITTLE BRAVE HEART" - Charity exhibition in London, please spread the word 🌻

in #art7 years ago (edited)

Today, I'd like to introduce and promote a charity project by my extraordinary colleague and Living Master ARINA.

I met her 2 years ago, when I arranged an exhibition with 70 professional female artists from around the world to raise awareness for the brilliant quality of art created by women in a field still too often dominated by men (like so many others).

ARINA is not only an exceptionally skilled artist with a mind blowing list of accomplishments and awards, she is also one of the most wonderful and caring people I ever met.

This summer she invited me to participate in a charity project to support families in Russia and CIS countries with children and young adults suffering from cancer..

Quote from the website:

the charity aims to help children and young adults up to the age of 25 from Russia and CIS countries suffering from cancer. In many countries often only a small part of medical expenses for cancer and other life threatening illnesses is covered by the state. As a result, approximately two thirds of costs associated with treatments lie on patients and their families. This quite often means that families are struggling financially, and even slipping into poverty, as they simply cannot cover enormous sums of money needed to treat their kids. The UK-based the charity 'Gift of Life' literally gives hope to sick children and their parents, who cannot afford lifesaving treatments...

As one of the participating artists, I created the painting
"Gold fish", 20x30cm, acrylics and oil on wood, 2017


Its a painting in acrylics and oil.
I already explained some of the process here .
In the next picture you can see, that it has some "dimension" to it and the edge is done with metal leaf.


For me the fish stands for faith and healing. I gave it the golden touch, to include the Chinese interpretation of abundance. I added the mechanical elements, as they are typical of my work, but also to have it represent toys for the happiness of our children.

I worked on a large artwork on Tarot cards for over 10 years, so I still associate numbers of corresponding cards with a certain meaning. The 22 stars represent all the children to be taken care of with this project. 22 is a complete set of the major arkana, the trump cards of a Tarot deck. The number also stands for "0 - the Fool", a fresh young soul entering our world, a child.

Together with the fish, we have 23 "characters", 2+3=5, the divine blessing.

Together with my logo, we have 24 "items", 2+4=6, Love and the big heart


I'd like to ask all of you, to spread the word about the project, as described on the website and on facebook. If any of you knows someone, who is in a position to bid for any of the artworks, please forward the info.

100% of the proceeds from art works sale will go towards medical expenses for children suffering from cancer and other life threatening conditions and will benefit children with cancer in Russian hospitals

NO upvote expected

I'm declining payout on this post, so nobody thinks I'm trying to make a profit with a noble cause

I enjoy reading your comments! Please resteem❤️

All photos/scans by #ReinhardSchmid of my own artwork


Please support Art For a Little Brave Heart




Thank you, nice photos on your blog :-)

I am in awe of your commitment to this charity. Such fantastic work as always.

Although I grew up with very little, I have wonderful parents and had a happy childhood. I'm very grateful for the good things that have come into my life and my heart always goes out to the lesser privileged. Therefore I believe in giving back to the best I can :-)

Cordial thanks for sharing!

Excellent cause my friend and I like the idea of the fish representing faith and healing. Something the world is in much need of.

Thank you very much for your kind comment. You are absolutely right. I do see a lot happening in that direction though. Unfortunately missiles and scandal get a lot more attention and the picture is definitely distorted...

You are a very kind person Reinhard. Sadly i do not have a list of wealthy contacts that could make the bids, but at least i have esteemed it to my followers. Very beautiful initiative.

So are you, David! Many thanks for the resteem... one never knows, who stumbles accross it. If you like, you can share ARINA's fb posts to other networks too :-)

Plus, Arina said, they'll accept any reasonable offer and its a great opportunity to actually do something good and having the chance to get a beautiful artwork possibly under gallery price!

You are welcome Reinhard, this i can do. And i get your reasoning why you have refused post payouts, but i am sure it would be hard to find a person that doubts your honesty mate. You could have put earnings from upvotes to a good cause, and genuine effort sometimes go viral to make up a substantial amount. There are many good people here on Steemit who support noble causes.

I am just confused a bit which post i should be sharing? Do i share this link? http://bid.petramollart.com/

I know I should have done it like you sugggest and forward the earnings... can't edit that anymore. Maybe I'll do another post about it, right before the opening of the actual show.

I think sharing http://bid.petramollart.com/ makes the most sense, because people who are not on fb (or hate it) get all the information there.

Within facebook, it might also be good to link to the official fb page

Thank you so much for your support!!

I'll do it on my linked in profile, have a few dozen of private investors on the list. maybe somebody would want to buy some great art at the same time supporting a great cause.

You are a very special young man David, knew it from the moment we met! Again, thank you very much for helping like that!!

Thank you Reinhard, but there is really nothing special about me at all.

very emotional subject for me so I will not elaborate , but I think it is a wonderful initiative, If I can help in anyway let me know

You are helping with the resteem already, many thanks for that. If you like, you can of course share Arina's fb posts as well: https://www.facebook.com/ARINA.paintings/posts/1628421530514016

Great painting and good initative. Resteemed.

(Personally I'm not sure if declining payout in this case really helps, you just could have send the payouts to ARINA... don't you?)

Most cordial thanks for the resteem!

You are right and now I feel a bit stupid... My main concern was.. and is, to gather enough people to bid on the artworks and make Arina's initiative a success. If this gets big enough over here, maybe I can convince her to open her own steemit account and carry on with the project here :-)

That's a great idea! Fingers crossed for the auction and the cause. Would be great to see some whales bidding on your work.

I was hoping to get some attention from the big guys. Not for me, but for the cause... and it doesn't matter which artwork they are bidding on, as long as they bid on any of them. I think its a good variety and there is something for every taste!!

This fish is amazing, especially the one with "dimension".

Thanks a lot for your kind compliment! Would you consider a resteem to spread the word in an effort to find people to bid on the artworks and support the initiative?

It's Done, my friend.

A really big thank you for your kind support!

You give to all of us great support. I put your name in my last post @oldtimer

Awww this is nice. I will resteem using my other account.

There's actually an option to decline payout for everyone else here on steemit, but most people profit from charity projects these days, sadly.
Thanks for being a good example!

Glad you join us! May I ask, what your other account is? Thank you for stopping by and for your support 🌻

I suspect there is something missing? Thank you for stopping by :-)

What a wonderful cause. Even here in Canada, where we have "universal healthcare", families are often left struggling and near bankrupt through dealing with cancer treatment. We are so fortunate to have communities of people who are doing well enough financially to be able to help when fundraisers are held for such families... So, I can only imagine what struggles must look like in less wealthy parts of the world.

Thank you for your kind comment and your support. I know, that many of our fellow humans are struggling in all parts of the world and one wishes one could help all of them. This issue bothers me in particular, because the families are not only struggling with a horrible illness of a loved one. The cancer ruins them physically, emotionally and financially... the mere thought of it is almost unbearable to me and I'm sure, particularly as a loving mother, you understand. Thank god, that there are people who help, like you said!

Thank you so much for the resteem❤️

You are so welcome!

Yes, it is so heartbreaking. We have close friends who went through something similar, as their son (my son's good friend, who was born a few days after him) was diagnosed with a genetic bleeding disorder, and had to have a stem cell transplant. They are extremely fortunate that he was diagnosed very early, they found a matching donor, and his treatment worked. But it was still a couple of years of hell. And even though they had a lot of support from the community, it really took a toll. Plus, all the heartbreak they went/go through, having made so many friends at the sick children's hospital during their stay...

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