The Kelpie ~ Art By Reddust

in #art6 years ago (edited)

Beware Of This Supernatural Creature

"Take care down by the water. There is a dangerous creature that roams the lonely lochs and rivers of Scotland. A conniving beast, it lures its unsuspecting victims to the water only to mercilessly drown them."

9 x 12, Mixed Media Paper, Micron Pen

I am creating a coloring book for Scotfest held here in Oklahoma. I am helping setup the Kids Glean and part of activities are learning about the culture of Scotland.

The Kelpie can cry like a man or women in trouble, luring people down into the water to drawn them!

Tulsa Scotfest 2018

The Kelpie

some_text A link to My Blog


Can it survive outside the water? Looks too dangerous. But I love the name you have given to it.

They are shape shifters taking the form that is most attractive to their victims. I think their original shape is that of a horse. Some historians argue that a kelpies are not aquatic but all the myths I've read is this mythical beast resides in water. It also has control over the weather, if you piss one off it can call in a storm and flood your village. It kind of reminds me of the Asian Naga, which looks like a snake but can take the form of a human. Both supernatural beings are easy to anger and vindictive in nature with supernatural powers. Although the Nagas can be wonderful beings, protecting the Teachings of The Buddha and protected the Buddha when he meditated under the Bodhi Tree. The kelpie comes from the fairy worlds in Scottish mythology

We Indian are very familiar to the tales of the Nagas. Even we have a festival for them, it is called "Naagpanchmi" on this day it brings good fortune to see the snakes and feed them milk.

wow dear this is amazing, you have such a great talent, i love your works , wish i can drow like this one.

@yassinof, you can draw this if you want. Drawing skills are like any skill set, it takes time and practice. Thank you!

how have you been reddust, your art's work brilliant, perhaps more than that, i do comment on your previous post, but you did not react. anyway, your work always worth for me.
Thanks a lot for today engagement...
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@abdullahshoaib, I am sorry I didn't answer the last post, sometimes I miss or I don't understand non native English speaking posts especially when the topic is difficult and the comment may not be related to the post.

Thank you for supporting me!

haha don't say sorry, I'm always honored to be a part of your contribution. thanks a lot

keep on the good work you had...thanks for sharing.

i'm happy to do it..

Scotland has many mythology animals as the unicorn as their national animal, great drawing. Regards

The land of Scotland and it's people are full of old myths and mysteries. I hope to visit the highlands someday <3 thank you @dim753

Yeah and ireland too. Regards

@reddust, It's amazing arty work using talented skills. I've never seen these creature. Is it fiction I think.

The Kelpie is part of Scottish mythology, probably a teaching story to help children understand how dangerous the water is and take care not to wander to far from their home on their own.

Aww! To be so conniving he is quite a beauty. Looks like a cross between a unicorn and a mermaid. lol! I am a pisces, so naturally I loved the images of the dual fishes. Great idea for coloring books. You could tell your story in one coloring book.

This looks like a Capricorn as well, I will be telling a little story in the book to help children understand Scottish mythology! Thank you @Innerstellar

Very true! That is a very awesome and thoughtful idea.

always I talk you, you are absolutely amazing your draw are so good you are so talent ♥

I love your fabulous talent and drawing work @reddust. You every time created meaningful arts. What's meaning here?

I've seen mythology animals from Greece historical stories. Haven't found Scotland stories yet. Anyways amazing drawing work @reddust.

Every old culture has myths of mythical creatures, they are teaching stories or maybe they are real. I have never met a mythical being. I'd probably pee my pants in fear if I saw one.

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