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RE: Francis Bacon (Wip) By Red Dust

in #art6 years ago

Well, kinda of funny in a sad way. After researching the history of vaccines, I found Europeans, my and your ancestors have been treated worse than cattle! People seem to think the Europeans have had it easy. The price we paid for the last 100 years of semi prosperity and a middle class has been millions of European deaths from authorities greed and hubris.


True. I agree, i think we've all been treated that bad and we're only just starting to realize our power, blockchains and cryptos seem to be part of this revolution, i see all the nations that the conquerers fucked over becoming free. The royal families of europe, the knights templars (swiss establishment), them paperclip dudes that started the alphabet agencies in america, central banks, central governments, they've had their day and they know it, we have the geniuses of our age on our side and the establishment have none of them, the larimers, the russians, the asians in blockchain won't turn when the rulers offer them shit loads of money to work for them. It's a done deal, we've won, freedom is round the corner and all the worlds wealth will be distributed amongst everyone on earth. Sorry red, bit rambly tonight hehe ;)

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