The Golden Spiral ~ Work In Progress

in #art7 years ago (edited)

A Vision From Meditation

Meditation Story

I am in the middle of the hardest part of the painting, the second layer which is adding depth to the painting. Everything looks like crap and it's easy to get discouraged during this part of the painting. I've learned to wade through the mess and continue on until I am satisfied with the results of my work. The last layer will consist of details and cleaning up lines.

I've struggled with fatigue and migraines women get when they enter post menopause phase of their reproductive cycle. I'm thankful for Steemit being here to get me up and moving rather than feeling sad and tired. When I get migraines my poor writing and editing skills decay a bit, painting also gets in the way of my verbal and writing skills, I am spending a lot of time where words have no meaning.

I've just finished a detox regime because of my fatigue and migraine issues and it seems to have helped. I am sure that concentrating while I am painting doesn't help. But I'd rather paint than lay around in pain all day. I've kept up with my regular schedule of chores and exercise as well except for the worst day of detox which I just laid in bed and slept most of the weekend. That was last Friday through Sunday.

I'm feeling a 100% better, but my verbal and writing skills are still lagging, writing every day should help with that issue.

I've added gouache for opacity and detail.

A collaboration with @greatdabu

I wrote on one of his "Sound Poem Collaboration Posts," "All things are dreams, lovely collaboration @greatdabu🌀 There are stars inside our bodies and outside in the sky, there is no in or out from what I saw. I know the way it's through the golden spiral I saw it in a vision. Beings full of stars traveling down the golden spiral. I sat on the cusp and watched them go, wishing I could fly with them. But It is not my time yet so I stay here for a little longer and help my family. He asked me to paint my vision and make an audio file of me reading what I wrote, he said it sounded poetic. That made me giggle, I am very clumsy with words! He will combine my painting with his music and my voice. I am very excited to work with the @greatdabu.

13 x 21 inches, 300lb Hotpress Cotton Paper, and Watercolor. This is the first layer of color so the painting will look nothing like this when I finish. I like to layer colors on top of each other to make other colors.

some_text A link to My Blog


Oh you've upgraded the painting! Looks much better!

Thanks you @yaan, hopefully I finish this piece before the week is over!

So It's not finished? It's already looking great.
Okey. I will be waiting for the next part then. :d

You should really read my post little brother :-/ hahahaha

Fineeee! :d It was a long day!

Ahhh, take rest!

that's an amazing piece of art the colors are wonderful thanks a lot for sharing and keep on posting ;)

@othmanesl, thank you for your support and I promise to keep on posting, this old body isn't going to hold me back!

I'm sorry to hear about your migraines. Hopefully you will get back to 100% soon. Your art is still awesome even when you're having problems :)

What I really need is hugs and friends like you @trendo, thank you for your support <3

Haha sending virtual hugs to you :D

Sending you hugs and I feel better all ready :-)

Awesome to hear !

I want to do meditation daily.

It takes discipline and setting up a new habit by practicing at the same time every day. From my experience working with others it helps to pick a time either early morning or evening when nobody can bother you. Which method you pick should be done after you research a bit and understand why in the past people meditated. In the past meditation was not used to feel good or to feel happy, feelings are transitory, meditation was one of the tools to release one from the rounds of rebirth, karma, the cycle of samsara. You can look at rebirth as being born and dying from one thought, intention, action to the next if you can't figure out karma. Depending on the method meditation helps one develop concentration, let go of old conditioning, seeing one's feelings, thoughts, emotions as something in flux, not solid, eventually will pass away from which they came. Some meditations help one follow their thoughts and feelings to their source and turn and look at who is the witness...that takes retreat time.

The easiest meditation to learn is working with the breath and you can find all sorts of online help through youtube. Look up anapaunasati and Shamatha meditation, I have worked with a lot of people that have had success using these methods.

take care of your health too :)

Getting old is like getting an old trade in car every ten years. I am still getting used to this new/old body which takes a different kind of care compared to the body I had ten years ago! Thank you @blazing!

age is just a number be a kid :) feel young

I really like the paint it has a sense of 3D great great job reddust, also the words here are so useful as always. Thanks

Thank you for stopping by and giving me encouragement @dim753, I've enjoyed your post today too!

Thanks a lot reddust by your support. As always great artworks and smooth calligraphy

That's just Beautiful, loving it.
**As above so below. **

I wish I felt like that lololol, thank you @geomagna!

@reddust nice post thank you for sharing

You are welcome @hicmaster🐬

I love your artwork. Take care yourself. Thanks for sharing.

Thank you @melowd (hugs)

It's looking great so far @reddust!

Sorry to hear that you are suffering. :( I hope things get better very quickly for you. :)

I posted after the worst was over, I'm feeling 100% better! The detox worked, thank you for stopping by (hugs)

I'm sorry I haven't been by in a little while but I've been really busy and sorry for the late reply, I've not been feeling too well myself today! :(

Glad you're feeling better.! :)

Double the hugs @tonyr, I hope you feel better soon!

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