The Business of Art: "Oh, I can Make one of Those at Home! I Took an Art Class!"

in #art6 years ago

In some ways, the art business — that is, running an art gallery — is pretty challenging.

More than holds true for many fields, when it comes to art "everyone is an expert."

The line in our title — "Oh, I can Make one of Those at Home! I Took an Art Class!" — is actually one we hear quite often at the Red Dragonfly.

Pale leaf

People have taken a painting class in college, or a ceramics class, or something else... and then they equate that with the skill level of an artist who has worked some 20 years to master their medium.

Reality Check!

Of course, lots of people think they have a "special talent," but the grim reality is that they don't. 

We do our best to listen politely when someone starts talking to us about how "their daughter is an artist and we should start selling her work."

Which isn't to say that we don't occasionally find some real talent through such an approach. However, in most cases, art that was mediocre when the person was in high school does not magically improve while that person spends 10 years holding down a full-time job at Microsoft. 

Backlit Veins

But getting back to the whole "I can make that!" declarations, we have found that the most effective response is to simply say "perhaps so, but WILL you?"

Of course, the answer to that question is invariably "no," as most of us lack the time and inclination to buy art supplies and then find the time to actually sit down and paint. Or make ceramics. Or cast bronzes. 

The phrase "I can make that at home!" is typically spoken by people who either feel a need to either establish superiority or can't think of another way to say that they don't think the item in question is particularly well done. 

And it can be hard to learn to "grin and bear it" if you're an artist working at an art gallery... but it's just something you learn to adapt to, and recognize that there are almost as many tastes in art as there are people walking around!

Thank you for reading! Red Dragonfly is a proud graduate through the @sndbox creative incubator program, part of the "Cohort 1" team of May 31st, 2018. 

The Red Dragonfly is an independent alternative art gallery located in Port Townsend, WA; showcasing edgy and unique contemporary art & handmade crafts by local and worldwide artists. All images are our own, unless otherwise credited. Where applicable, artist images used with permission.   


I just finished writing a satirical story, in which I based the dialogue on all the ignorant things people have said to me and my artist friends.

My favourite, which I get all the time: "That's great, but I would NEVER hang it on MY wall".
And in my head I reply... "Then don't F*ing buy it, mouth-breather. "

That cracked me up @rachelsvparry!

We get a variation at the gallery quite often, where someone will look around (and they are clearly shopping for a gift for someone) and then earnestly look at me and declare "I love everything in here and would LOVE to receive any of these as a gift, but I just don't think my friends would appreciate it!"

... your friend, who was in a few months ago and said the exact same thing about YOU. So evidently YOU have excellent taste, but everyone you call "friend" is an uncultured slob with zero art appreciation?

Sometimes when I visit gallery i am working with for ten years now, and happen to be there when they have customers ..I say to myself, thank you God they exist, I would gone crazy with customers.
Yes everyone can ''do'' but when time is needed they don't have it, but despite that there is undermining real worth of someones art.
Another great post @reddragonfly.

For me, the reality is that maybe a few people CAN create art... but are they GOING to? No, of course not!

You're right, everyone believes they have the truth when talking about art.
I respect the perspectives of all but there are people who are very intense with their comments

They just get a bit too intense for my liking... and some are outright rude. But hey, I guess that's just like life: you get all kinds!

people actually say that in front of you? whoa that surprises me but I guess it shouldn't. I would never say that because I have zero art skills but I do respect those who have dedicated themselves to it, too often starving while honing their skills.
vote is worth zero I'm charging it but wanted to show my support @reddragonfly

Appreciate the comment @janton; some people are just pretty thoughtless... I wouldn't ever say something like that, either.

or maybe it's just your location?
they don't talk like that in Texas. lol
well, in Dallas they do or in any big city
but not in this part of the country.
I appreciate what ya'll do, you are so gifted.

I had a gallery in Austin for 15 years, back in the 80's and 90's. People didn't so much say they could go home and make it, as tell me that they could "Go to Mexico and get the same thing for 1/10th the price."


Then you should definitely DO that....

ha! yes..but those people are clueless and have no appreciation.
I hope they are few and far between these days.

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