Art and Creativity: It's About Who You Know, not How Good You Are!

in #art6 years ago

In some ways, the art world is a lot like Steemit: There's a load of great talent out there, and most of it will end up going largely unnoticed and unrewarded.

One of the issues we struggle with in this community is that there are so many very good creative contributors, yet many off them end up getting discouraged and quitting because they never get seen, and then they watch people they are well aware that they are "much better than" get far more attention and rewards.


Beyond the basic newbie/seniority "Have you earned your wings?" issue, many discover that the only way ahead seems to be "pay to play," and when you are just starting out you seldom have any "pay" to hand over the be part of the bigger leagues.

The Art World is Much The Same

Artists often suffer a similar fate, including some who are extremely talented. Whereas we might like to think otherwise, they discover that "talent alone" is far from enough to get anywhere... your connections matter.

I once heard a saying (sorry, don't have a source) that "Your NETWORK is your NET WORTH," and it can hold very true.

So who is your network?

Of course this reality also sets up a bit of a dilemma for many creative people — artists, musicians, writers and others — in that they come to us at the Red Dragonfly and say "But what I love to do and am really GOOD at is PAINTNG, not marketing and schmoozing to build a network!"


It's Not Fair!

Whereas it might be considered a bit whiny to say such a thing, I still often hear it.

In the art world, nowhere is it more evident than with Big City Galleries and Promoters who take on very mediocre work in a flurry of self-importance and elevate it to superstar status by including it in a swank New York gallery show where the "almost unsaleable" suddenly hangs on white walls before people in cocktail attire; people who don't think twice about the $25,000 price tags.

"Someone" said this work is "really good," therefore it must be true, right?

Looks a bit like Steemit's "Trending" feed, doesn't it?

The TRUE Value of Connections and Networking

Before we all become "purists" and dismiss such things as "selling out," let us pause and consider the true value of making connections and networking.

And the deeper purpose of Art.


Whereas you may be the greatest artist that ever lived, fact remains that any "creation" is subject to the greater rules of marketing and trade, if you want it to go any further than hanging in your studio.

Now if you're happy to just create and have a pile of paintings in your studio, more power to you! But if nobody knows what you created, you can't very well blame them for not showing up out of thin air to bestow accolades on you.

Let us, then, examine the secondary truth of most artists: Even if you can stand 100% in the truth that "You're NOT in it for the money," art and creative expression is typically a form of communication, and communication tends to be a two-way gig. You don't want to just sit there and talk to yourself, you want to have your expression (art) interact with others.

And there's really no "magic pill" for that.


And so, no matter how talented you may be, we come right back to the "It's who you know" factor. Once again, it all looks remarkably like Steemit, in the sense that simply coming here and creating great content most likely won't do much for you... you have to get out there and "pound the pavement," so to speak.

"Selling Out:" You Don't Have to Go Overboard!

The specter of "Selling out" or "selling your soul to get ahead" still has a powerful presence in creative fields, even in these days of social media where everyone has pretty much become "a commodity."

But you can create "Brand You" without selling out. People often throw the term around, not being aware that the true meaning is that you are dishonest about your creativity: You are no longer creating from your own inner vision, you are creating "to sell."


That's a far cry from simply creating authentic work and taking steps to put it in front of appreciative eyeballs.

And that's also where we get to remind ourselves that we can authentically be really good at our art, and still want to bring it to a greater audience. That's not a sin, it's simply part of your calling; your profession.

Which also can mean networking, and being willing to occasionally step back from simply creating and taking time to "meet the right people," who can make a world of difference in getting your work seen.

Thanks for reading!

Red Dragonfly is a proud graduate through the @sndbox creative incubator program, part of the "Cohort 1" team of May 31st, 2018. Please support @sndbox and the @sndbox-alpha curation initiative!

The Red Dragonfly is an independent alternative art gallery located in Port Townsend, WA; showcasing edgy and unique contemporary art & handmade crafts by local and worldwide artists. All images are our own, unless otherwise credited. Where applicable, artist images used with permission.



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