Covid Projects Emerging

in #art4 years ago

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It's been four months since the last time I posted here. My brain fog started way before lockdown, and I haven't painted in about a month, but here we are!

It hasn't been bad, per se, but it's been a real challenge trying to remain productive. My daily paid gig ended with March Break, when lockdown began, and I'm not going to lie, I've been spending a lot of time on DOSBox playing old videogames from my youth.

Instead of trying to force myself to paint, which I still WANT to do, yet somehow can't bring myself to (weird, but that's how it is in my head right now.) I've been finally working on the other half of what I need to finally publish a coffee table book of my artwork and short stories - the stories.

Reasonably sure I've shared some of them here already, but there are many new ones now. So I have some content! In fact, I've started recording readings of them, for people who don't have the attention power right now to read through on their own. No judgment here!

Here's the introduction to the universe in which my stories take place. A lot inspired by the concept of Terry Pratchett's discworld, but a lot more narrative distance between the characters thusfar.

And if you'd rather read the intro, here!

Khepri, The Great Dung Beetle of Time (Introduction)

The circle of life. It defines time as we know it, but is itself defined by time.
We call it Khepri, The Great Dung Beetle of Time. Named after ancient Egypt's dawn facet of the God, Ra. It is what we know as a scarab, though it is much, much bigger.

Khepri is not visible to the human eye, So it is up to the chronologicians to confirm its existence. It is said, that with its back legs, it wheels our living rock around and around the sun, looking for a safe spot to stop and lay its egg.

In this way, we are very lucky for circles, for if there was a definitive end to our orbit around the sun, the Great Dung Beetle would have certainly stopped and laid its egg already. Our very existence would have long ago been devoured from the inside by entropy, the larval phase of a Great Celestial Dung Beetle's life cycle.

It is speculated that direct contact with this great celestial being stirs up dusty clouds of time at the locale of impact. Chronologicians believe that the radius of one of the deepest suspected impacts was roughly 5000 years.

Much is to be learned about Khepri. Much is to be learned about the nature of time, and of life itself.

I'll post them as the videos come out. Hopefully THAT will get me back on track with the blogging, and maybe the rest of my work. Fingers crossed!

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