[Butterfly Unbound] Haiku and Digital Art
petals ascend to the blue
butterfly unbound
I conceived this haiku a few seasons back, walking about the almonds tree of the Spanish hills.
Digital art is a composite of images found in the public domain
- https://pixabay.com/en/butterfly-white-roi-insecta-sand-2802011/
- http://maxpixel.freegreatpicture.com/Almond-Blossom-Flowering-Twig-Fruehlingsanfang-Spring-689859
Digital Art and Butterfly Unbound copyright Pryde Foltz
More painting inspiration and I still haven't finished the first one! Beautiful words and image.
I am real task master that way. Looking forward to see it:)
I need to be more disciplined and also less specific with my expectations, if that even makes sense. Sometimes I get overwhelmed and I end up doing nothing. Kind of silly. I look forward to seeing it too.
It makes perfect sense to me. Our ideas take no time in our mind and much in reality and so there is the disconnect. Know you not alone:):):) And being cheered on:)
Thanks, friend!
you are great in making digital art
Thank you, wagun. I am very pleased you appreciate them:)
This is a delightful haiku and delicate digital photo as lovely as a watercolour . Good work!
Thank you, John:)
what a delicate pryde
it's incredible what comes of you
Thank you, Orlando:)
Very nice image, P. I like how the butterfly seems to trade places with the petals in an interesting way, keeping my eyes moving around the image. Your haiku adds a quiet, contemplative mood, which I also quite like. Thanks!
Thank you, BH. It does take a moment for the eye to discern wing from petal:)