🎬 🎞️ Learning to Animate with Photoshop pt 3. And entering a contest. 🎞️ 🎬

in #art7 years ago (edited)

Steemgig Hero! Draw A DC Superhero

Here is Captn's entry for the contest.

Image from Dribble.com


For steemgig 4, the Capt'n decided to try and create something longer than he had previously when animating in photoshop.

Choosing a Hero to draw was no problem. Only one answer. Obviously. When you think about it. Who else would you choose if not the one and only?

The Bat NaNaNaNaNaNa MAN!

Check out the original steemgig contest post by @deveerei to see the other entries.

Below you will find a little project that took the Capt'n, over 8 days, about 10 hrs to complete.

Starting with a few drawing guides found on the internet a bish bosh bash Batman was cobbled together. Click the images to see the guides.



Then combined with a background inspired by a frame from The New Batman Adventures by Michele Graybeal and David McBride.


Gotham’s red night sky was a background for the episode “Sins of the Father”.

A Batman Gif.
Video? Film? Vif? Gifilm?
Unsure of the nomeclature.


Batty Animation by T. Dunn. Created with a mouse in photoshop.


Check out some links to our other posts below.

Being Creative

Learning Photoshop GIF animation: 1.2.
An original short story with a sci-fi theme by the Capt'n. Once Upon a Blue Moon.
Messing with Macro photography.
Journals of a Space Pirate in KSP (computer game)1. 2.


Gluten free Pancakes recipe.
Testing out Bacon and Egg Pies.
Keeping warm in winter with Mulled wine.
A not so traditional Tortilla Española de Patatas.
Food Porn 1. 2.


How to grow Carrots to save seed.
Saving Tomato seed.
Keeping healthy Chickens.
Building Potato boxes.
Growing Purple potatoes.

Pirate Playlist

Heavy Mahogany. The Dread Crew Of Oddwood.
'I Am A Cider Drinker' by Alestorm.
'The Pirate's Gospel' by Alela Diane.


Batman Face

Batman Skull


Coin Marketplace

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JST 0.029
BTC 60675.97
ETH 3383.58
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.52