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RE: Nick Engelbert's Grandview

in #art7 years ago

I love this artwork as well! Is it typical for Wisconsin? Guess my wife would like the last one, for it seems to be a man from Switzerland. :)


A lot of Swiss settled in this area. A nearby town is called New Glarus and they still celebrate their Swiss heritage with numerous festivals throughout the year. Several of the older folks still speak Swiss, but it is getting less common all the time. One of the reasons Wisconsin is known for great cheese! I will post more photos from various Swiss functions.
Lots of Norwegian settlers here, too, hence the Viking
My ancestors came here from Germany,..lots of Germans here, too, and a strong culture of beer and breweries
Typical? No, but there are a few examples of this sort of art in Wisconsin. This artist came here from Austria

Cheese, beer .... I see, I'll have to visit Wisconsin on day! :)

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