Making a Latex Catsuit a la Catwoman - Part 7

in #art8 years ago (edited)

Hello my Steemians!

A catsuit has seams at the arms and legs which are quite long. The consequence of long latex seaming is the sticky glue. As you paint the edge of a seam with rubber cement you get into a challenge with dust and dirt. 

  • The 1st step glueing a latex seam is painting the rubber edge with the rubber cement i mentioned in part 6. It takes some minutes for the latex to react with the substance before it´s ready to be rolled onto it´s counterpart latex
  • the problem for the treated seam is its attraction to dust and dirt which increases. Like a magnet it collects all particles in the room

I encouter that problem with simple tape which covers the edge.

As the tape is removed the latex has to meet the contrary side before it starts catching dirt.

Like that it´s really really helpful to get all those legs and arms done in latex. :-) Yeayyy.

On this picture you can see the film already applied to the hip-seaming at the right leg. The left leg is still open at the inside seam

Cant wait to get to the final result to show you guys! :-)

Happy to read about what you think about it.

Reguards! Yours photono.

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