in #art6 years ago



There is no blue color.

Did you know that vertebrates and plants rarely produce blue as a pigment?

Using butterflies as an example, there is only one know that produces a true blue pigment (Nessaea aglaura aka the Olivewing).

The other less fortunate have a way of their own.
This physical property is called a structural color.

It uses the principle of light refraction; the uniquely made micro structures on the wings ensnare the other light waves, enabling just the blue specter to come out, thus making an impression of "blue color".


Do you hear the BLUEs yet?

Few artists in history have been as closely linked to one specific color
than Yves Klein has been to blue.

He was an nouveau realist, minimalist and performance artist
at the start and mid 20th century.

The profoundness and obsession with the color has been documented in his artistic journey.

"First there is nothing,
then a depth of nothingness,
then a profundity of blue."

The soothing, transcendental vibe
of the blue
relaxes the soul
of the rare finders.

Maybe we should go listen to Miles Davis.
Drink away the blues.


Do you see the blues on the butterfly?

They do not exist.

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© 2018 papasomniferum


Interesting facts. When it comes to the facts I remember that lots of artists have gotten sick and died for using a white color in their paintings, as at the time lead was used to create the white painting color. They even called the lead poising, the painter's colic at the time.

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