"The Last Tomorrow" - Scrap book

in #art7 years ago

My sci-fi graphic novel could be just a series of posts, each one telling and showing a part of the story. I don't know if I'm able to write and draw a proper comics, a long one. I'll try.

In the meantime, here are some other sketches and bits of the plot.

The story in based on two kind of altered human beings: the Multimen and the Upgradeds. The first kind is the more interesting: neurosciences and technology created the possibility of isolate parts of the identity, of the brain, of the body, and modify them. People who underwent this treatment became assemblies of separated parts. Their identity changes.

"She offered him a part of herself as security..."

The other kind of altered human being is pratically a cyberman: a man with a lot of artificial and mechanic parts.

"Facing a combat upgraded is never  a joke..."

The main character is a bounty hunter. Very tech of course.

"The local miner had nothing for him."

Ok, these are just sketches, you know. I should focus a little more on the story, before going on.


I love these illustrations. They remind me of the old-school sci-fi you'd see in Omni Magazine. They're a little bit like Heavy Metal too.

It's nice to see science fiction depicted through analog art, and from an individual perspective.

I grew up reading the old sci fi of the great authors from 50s-70s, and many comics on that subject. I read also more recent sci fi novels, but the older influenced me more for sure

I can see the influence.

Also, I love the European flavor of these drawings. Here in the US, everything is so homogeneous. We've got our super-hero comics and our super-hero movies. We've got our square-jawed heroes and our sniveling, monstrous villains. It's the same story again and again, written by committee and run past focus groups to maximize profits. And nothing is left to the imagination.

I'm looking forward to the story when you're ready to share it!

I have the story already, somehow.
writing it is the hard part ;)

Very interesting work, I like this style.

thx! I hope to be able to do the rest of the story ;)

wow sooo creative <3

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