Scarlet Woman... Journey of a lifetime.

in #art7 years ago (edited)

There's a collection of eight of these... They were created both in photoshop and from my original art. Spirit vision... The paintings, taken from Spirit-Vision, are part of a journey into the Pan-Dimensional Universe which surrounds us, the Astral.
The Artist explores the inner and outer realms of consciousness through the use of sound and symmetry, dance, meditation and trance. Astral Art is Spiritual Art. Delicately fusing original hand-painted acrylic, oil, pastel, pencil and charcoal pictures with digital imagery... layering vision upon screen as a commentary on the journey of uniting the Human with the Divine... Spirit manifesting Art.

The girl in my dreams will be revealed.
i’ve seen her as Babalon, Lilith the Beast.
i’ve seen unite the West and the East.
i’ve seen her levitate and even disappear.
i’ve seen her strength, but never her fear.
She’s led me beyond the illusions of time,
No one but she Knows this pan of mine.
Others deny me and often run away,
But not she, who’ll always stay.
Sharing the love it’s easy to see,
She loves all as equal, not only me.
Space Goddess of love my world is complete,
With your essence of light i greet my Nuit.
Our spirits transcend and my dreams become real...
In the light of our love we can truly reveal…
The hidden selves for so long concealed.


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