Sketch: Wish the Flag Button Could do This...steemCreated with Sketch.

in #art7 years ago (edited)

Lmao.. nice drawing.. I love the Spam pig in the middle... it looks like he's figured out that he's in deep shit

Yup I'm happy with the expression, shocking what I can manage to draw at 4:30 am XD

That's a talent right there!

Inspiration strikes at any time.. especially in the middle of the night and you're supposed to be sleeping..

Oh yeah, I can see this one about to get some use, big time. Sadly I don't think it's just spammy pig who's going to be caught in the crossfire.

Oh that's right! That stinger missile looks like it'd have quite an explosive foot print... :O

Thanks @choogirl!

Leave your spammy @$$ comments below & win a free mute!


You make me laugh

Only one spammy little man showed up... They missed the mute boat :(

I love your drawings. They are so funny. And your comments for spammers is funny af.

There was this one spam guy who (on facebook I think) was bothering some girl so bad that she took a screen capture of it... although he was slobbering all over her, he was extremely egotistical and was really in love with himself XD...

These spammers are freakin insane. Thanks for stopping by!!!

Almost as bad as scammer telemarketers

Lol the end result would be awesome ;)

The completed version would be great i do hope so buddy !

I think the hammer should look more like Thor's Hammer. Especially today of all days. hahaha.


You cruel fish, @overkillcoin ;)))

Love the spammer, hate the spam? XD

Just hate to dirt my fins… I mean hands :)))

wow very Beautifull drawing 😊
Good Working 😊

That piglet is in some SRS troubels!!!

I posted this in someone else's contest, but ...

If you love Jesus upvote this post in the next 30 seconds. If you don't you're going to hell!

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