
Wow it is really beautiful man. You are a genius.

Not really I'm just a little persistent. Have you tried this software? It's FREE!!

HAHAAAA to the sprinkler system joke, I can definitely relate to the 1 am madness, I call it the late night lulz. Where shit's funny, but only to me.

Yeah, I thought that one was pretty good, I can't believe I thought of that so late, but maybe tiredness adds to the humour :)

I like this!!

Thanks @darkflame! It's a real blast to make these!

He looks so happy and strong. The mighty whale, surveying its habitat.

Another awesome job on your part and I see that you used the face of @gvand as a model for your whale hehehehe but shhhh do not tell him anything ;)

Hahahahaaa whaaaaaaaaat?

yes! He use my face as a model for his whale, but use your body @yanes94 as a model for his whale Jajajaja

ah ok that's why the body is very nice ;)

Hey @overkillcoin, Nice pixel artwork of sprinkler whale!

Nice whale art process !!!

it is really interesting..
A nice whale you shared..
thanks for that..

A really wonderful whale
Very distinctive design well done

With so many fishes you could make an aquarium: 3
I've been waiting to explain your user name:(

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