
The stuff you create and the process you share on how it is done is so awesome. I spend my working day working on 1s and 0s and turning people's problems into solutions and can escape to neat art and good conversations any time.

Sadly, though, outside of meager crypto votes, I haven't made much profit from illustration work... I'm going to create an online store and hopefully can start breaking even on my efforts :D

Are you a software guy?

I am a software, service and technology sales guy by specialty.

If an online store is what you are after, I have had projects with Wordpress/Woocommerce or shopify. If you have illustrations ready to be packages and sold, that would be a good.

To me, it sounds like you have a service to be sold and it is marketing/networking/sales you should be focusing upon.

Yep. Up until 2016 I didn't even do networking, didn't really have to... But things are different now. Pretty much all my old clients have stopped working with me... So industry-specific networking and marketing is what I need to do. Taking whatever small steps I can.

Illustration is only a small part of what I do, it's mostly explainer videos and graphic design, etc....

I will keep an eye out for opportunities for what its worth. In a perfect world, I could find clients of mine in need of that service and sell you into it.

for the networking events, the best advice I could give is go to them knowing every minute won't be worth it or comfortable. Just go looking to have 1 good conversation that will lead to something and everything else will be a bonus.

Nice work and lovely vivid colors. Would be a great real toy as well :D

Love the color image! Good intense music for for armaments. I hope you weren't listening to this while working at 4 AM! Of course the fish tank is skewed... that fish is driving with fins and they are slipping all over the place bouncing that tank up and down!

I miss making colour art.

The insomnia has been insane this year. I'm 90% it has a lot to do with the bear that is now living inside my head :(

Thanks the otage! Behold the power of my 3 cent upvote!!!

buen trabajo amigo es un arte muy divertido, siempre con una buena imaginación

Another amazing pic 👏🏿
Wait so what’s does the tank shoot? Water?

Posted using Partiko iOS

Probably 120mm armor piercing rounds with depleted uranium ???

Or soggy fish food pellets, whatever's more readily available...

😂😂😂😂😂😂 either one would be annoying to deal with

Posted using Partiko iOS

It's amazing to see the drawing process, it's like living the moment with you.
I really like how it has been, you are awesome !.
At 4am wow, Fishbowl? Yes, you're right, it's a little on the side, but it's a good touch because it's hectic so it moves a lot

There's one fighting fish! LOL Love your art work @overkillcoin

I think it looks great! 😃 The water is splashing because it's tilted, makes sense.

I just HAD to further tamper with it haha...


That would make a awesome water bong..

That would be one relaxed gold fish at the end of the day I guess! :O

Look at his 👀 now... #halfbaked

Ha ha ha, that's what's up! You should illustrate for video games or something if you don't already. You're stuff is really top notch. And I like that you took it so literally. It's funny to me. :)

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