
I'm sorry you do not sleep well @overkillcoin, a lot of things in your head give you insomnia. 😩
Have you tried sleeping listening to instrumental music to try to relax your mind a bit? That sometimes helps me, I usually sleep very few hours and when I do I do not sleep well because I always dream of what happens to me in my life and I do not rest, it's as if I had not slept at all. 😩
In the previous chapter the bull risked in that scene 😮😋, in the new chapter I think I agree with you maybe it lasts longer than we want 🤒.
but as it says: "there is no evil that lasts a thousand years, no body that resist "that was a song!
Postscript: you can teach me to draw a picture using one of your techniques, at this moment I'm drawing something, but when I can I'll write you ✌ 😊

Sorry about the insomnia. I hope it gets better. Amazing illustrations of course!

I've seen some improvement, but even on the good nights, it seems I wake up and struggle for around 30 minutes :D

Thanks -- although I second-guessed myself on this one... every post seems so rushed lately, so I'm not as accurate as I'd like to be :D

Mmmm cognac... what a great collection of souvenirs! Prop, wing, jungle knives... bear skin rug!!!

Exelente post amigo saludos desde Venezuela que tenga una feliz tarde.

I have written a wonderful post about sleep and subconscious mind. I hope that can help you regarding it.

@overkillcoin I like how the bear looks on the carpet floor hehe fun, impeccable drawing

You offer some fun cartoons so I think it's going to be more than 2 months for the bull to come out. When it does it will be a Shining Moment.

Insomnia can become really annoying sometimes, and it only remains to kill time to recover the dream. Perhaps in these moments that you have you can have a start of total inspiration!

It's terrible to have insomnia I understand you sorry, I hope you find your dreams fast the brain needs to rest, this is a wonderful drawing you do not stop being an artist

threw this together

LOL. Sorry you can't sleep, but if your insomnia brings us this kind of art, it's beneficial for us ;)

Who knows, maybe you're right, maybe everyone could view this awful market with a lens of humour :D

Is there any other way? ;)

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