Art: 603+ Followers Commemoration (Completed)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #art7 years ago (edited)

Hihi friend :]

I missed visiting your page.. let me say I love your dolphin image more than ever.. she is basically the definition of prettyness :]

I am sorry to read that you have been burned out... my momentum was poop the last two weeks!!!
I see you haven't lost your flair... looking forward to catching up soon !

Heyyyyyyyy @aineyann -

Thanks for checking in - I actually tried to add you on discord, but gave up after no response XD

I'm in a crazy spot, a lot of the work that was stalled in the summer (corporate laziness?!) has boomeranged back and hit me in the face... still trying to shovel my way out... And I've been frantically moving to a new location.

Other stuff, etc etc, you know... complicated!

So were you also ill for a while? Glad you're back, I'm concerned though.

I have a feeling it will take you a while to catch up, so I'll patiently wait if you'd like to shoot the breeze some day :D

Yes, I was ill , but not too much... more for the first week, and then it was very difficult for me to get back into the swing of things, so I had time off today, so I told myself... better now then never :] ... I do love it here, but its tough when you hit a brick wall , and want to always have content to produce!...

Oh wow, that sounds very busy... take it easy... the work you have to do is it steemit work or other?

Thank you for the welcome back - i will be very happy to keep my checking in going strong!:]

I have been busy with my regular steemit posts but I'm currently also drowning in client work... also I'm planning to do some illustrations for a famous steemit author... So it's really a mix of both. I'm trying to tone down my regular posting though... Be more simple and efficient.

We should do a week where I only write poems and you only draw pictures and see how we do with the challenge XD

Congratulations @overkillcoin! Well deserved. Also, take it easy, nothing is more important than you. :)

Thank you @m31, today's day 90 for me here - and it's going to be uneventful due to the busy-ness... I'm soooooo looking forward to the end of the move and returning to somewhat of a normal life again :)

I can't fully wrap my mind around that statement though... I guess you're saying if I lose myself, then I've lost everything?

These are too dang cute 😁

Thanks, I already have the art done up for 700 followers haha, so I'm looking forward to that. It has a pirate theme!

Congrats and its still growing buddy

As usual the artwork is beautiful

Riding the East Australian Current!

Yessir!!!!!! Or I could hitch a ride on the Gulf Stream and go visit the Brits!

I'd join you, love the Brits

Scorn Squid, niiice... :)
And your signature isn't bad either :)

I guess the scorn squid represents everything that's negative in my life XD


The more i see ... you seem like a nice guy.

Except I'm tough on spammers :D

Thank you, I try to be nice! (Or less awful, haha)

Why is Scorn Squid so upset for :( Good luck on the move its always a massive undertaking!

Congrats on the 600 followers and the move. Moving is boring and a lot of work but it's kind of fun to have a clean slate to set everything up and organize!

I know, right? The new location will have much faster interwebs, it's better built, has more space and is a quieter place to live... I'm rural right now, but that stupid hound dog next door hollers and it goes right through the walls XD

That doesn't sound too bad, lol, i live in the city and there are five dive bars near me, last night at 2am i heard yelling and screaming for half an hour after bars let out and it was swarmimg with cops this morning 0_0 I think some bad shit went down :(

Ugh... it seems like people are the same wherever you go, there's always a handful that just can't seem to settle their differences without force...

Take care!

Your pretty damn slick in illustrator. I need to go back and start using it again. Good job!

I use an older version of illustrator, it simply runs better on my PC... the newer versions seem so bloated in my opinion XD

hmmm going to have to research that one, I haven't used the newest ones out there. When I can eventually afford a new pc, I was thinking about there subscription plan for adobe products. I would of thought they make most of the software server based, and keep the core tool sets local to the machine. Thus making it faster. Who

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