
I don't understand some words, but I can read French reasonably well. To speak it is more difficult, but I am still learning. When we arrive in France on Sunday for 6 weeks I hope to have time to study some more. Here in the Netherlands, there is always something to do, in and around the house, visit family and friends etc. and of course Steemit takes some (or a lot) of my time. The latter willl be the same in France I presume.

Oh good. Happy to know that some of my English-speaking followers are able to understand my French posts, or parts of them.
I'm in the testing phase for now... so investigating a bit to know if it is worthwhile.
I hope to keep writing a few even though I will be very busy with my new job starting soon - that way you can keep practising your French even with your busy schedule :)

Asher wrote about your new job in Reunion. He wrote he will be joining you there and will not consider going to The Hague. What line of work are you in (if you want to share that of course).
I also follow the French posts of Roxane, so with your French posts and hers, my French will become better! I understood there is a big French community at Steemit.

Yes the community is growing. @roxane's posts are great to keep practising your French and maybe learn new words and expressions. You can find all the French posts under the tag #fr

I am a Montessori teacher and love my job! It's very intense to say the least, but also extremely rewarding... not a day goes by that I don't learn something new about myself and/or the children.
You probably know this method as most Dutch do (plus you were a teacher), and also as Maria Montessori lived and finished her life in Holland. It is where the "headquarters" are and I hear your country has some of the best Montessori schools in Europe, if not the rest of the world.

Yes, of course, I know Maria Montessori and there are indeed a lot of Montessori school in the Netherlands. Not only primary schools but also some high schools. I know from experience that it is fantastic to teach, intense, as you say, but very rewarding.
I read your mother's post. Glad she is 'on board', she has many interesting things to share! She had often moved. Now I know where your 'wanderlust' comes from!!

Yes, that's exactly how I caught the travel bug :)

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