My tattoos: Ink, Music and Literature

in #art6 years ago

Today I will talk about the tattoos, those corporal marks, that every day are taking more strength and are becoming a reality of our times, although there are still points of anchorage to prehistory.

My tattoos are based mostly on books .... Here I leave it:


This was the second I did. The Firts I do not have quality photos but I'll take it, it's in my left arm. And, for those who do not know, is based on 3 literary sagas: Shadowhunter, The Hunger Games and Divergent.


This was the third, at the top of the spine, is based on the saga of J.K Rowling Harry Potter


This is the fourth, in the left shoulder blade, based on the saga of Marie Lu: Legend


The fifth is in my right forearm reflecting my passion for books and the ease of knowing that they bring us.


I already said it before, but I will repeat it. I am a musician and music is one of my reasons to continue. This is the sixth


Psychology attracts me enormously, and that is why this Greek symbol has agreement with that science for the seventh.


The most recent of all, the eighth, inspires me in the union of all the countries that exist, something that is not given, but that a person with imagination would be allowed to dream ...

One person asked me: do you think you'll ever regret making those tattoos?
My answer was: NO. On the contrary, every time I see them, they remind me that I had enough determination and willpower to do what many do not dare.

See you soon ..... Vote, comment and re-steem ....


Tengo varios tatuajes también, un par de ellos basados en libros aunque clásicos. Uno es del Quijote, con Sancho y un molino; el otro es inspirado en "El Viejo y el Mar" de Hemingway.
Lo importante de los tatuajes es que deben tener un significado profundo para la persona y en mi caso, un motivo de inspiración.
Por ejemplo, Don Quijote y Sancho a su manera también, son recordatorios constantes de ideas que me inspiran y que me hacen querer ser mejor.

Doloroso, te dejo aca mi voto ya que el comentario te lo deje en el post de apoyo en lectura

Me encantan los tatuajes sin embargo no tengo ninguno, me gusto el inspirado en harry potter porque soy fans de sus libros.Exitos

Tattoos are a very personal way to say something to the world, with ink in your body.
I have to confese I don´t like tattoos for me. I prefer to express myself in other ways , in spite of this I think your tattoos looks nice and symbolics.
I came from Semana lectora 8, @salvao

Interesantes fotos, @origen1618, me gustan tus tatuajes porque no tienen sólo un contenido estético sino un significado profundo tras cada uno. Merecido upvote.

El mundo de los tatuajes no es lo mío, pero respeto la decisión de cada quien de hacérselos, cada quien tiene sus gustos en la vida.

Exactamente esa es la filosofia que importa

Interesantes tatuajes. @origen1618, a mí me gusta verlos más no usarlos. A mi papá sí le gustan para hacérselos. Siempre ha tenido el sueño de tatuarse un avefenix pero nunca le alcanza el dinero y mi mamá dice que "Gracias a Dios" (Porque a ella no le gustan) Buenas fotos. Upvote.

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