#Orcheva Doodle Art: Aceh Traditional Weapon, Rencong

in #art7 years ago (edited)


Today I will tell you about one of Traditional Weapon from Aceh, Indonesia. It's call Rencong

source: google

Rencong is a traditional weapon used in the Sultanate of Aceh since the reign of Sultan Ali Mughayat Syah who was the first Sultan of Aceh. Rencong position in the Sultanate of Aceh is very important, Rencong always tucked in the waist of the Sultan of Aceh, besides the Ulee Balang and ordinary people also use Rencong. Rencong gold belonging to the Sultan of Aceh can be found at the History Museum of Aceh, from the historical evidence it can be concluded that Rencong had been born since the time of the Sultanate of Aceh but the first creator to date has not been known.

In the traditional ceremony of the Aceh Sultanate, Rencong is usually used during weddings, Meugang, Peusijuk, Tung Dara Baro (Downloading Mantu), and in every other important event.

Rencong has various levels, for the Sultan is made of gold engraved as quoted verses of the Holy Qur'an, while the other Rencong is usually made of silver, brass, white iron, wood and ivory.

The people of Aceh connect mystical powers with Rencong's weapons. Rencong is still used and used as a fashion attribute in every Aceh ceremonies. The people of Aceh believe that the form of Rencong represents the symbol of Bismillah in the beliefs of Islam.

Due to the history and popularity of Rencong, the world community referred to Aceh as 'Tanah Rencong'

Currently Rencong has been proposed to be the World Cultural Heritage Heritage of UNESCO by Balai Preservation Nilai Nilai Budaya (BPNB) Aceh.

In this below, I make Rencong into Doodle Art


Thanks for visiting me


Cool weapon and cool art!!! <3
As always~!!! ^_^

tangkainya yang kebelakang fungsinya apa yah mas?

salah satu fungsinya saya rasa agar genggaman tangan tidak lepas pada saat berperang dulu..

Good to see you building your portfolio with yours Art-Works.

Bagus juga kalau jadi kaos yah ini gambar...

iyess... hahhaha

nyan ka kupatis

hai...na toke lagoe...ahahhahah..ka kupatis nyan..

Cool bingitsss.. brrr !!


berehh that nyan.....

hana that bereh lom nyoe...

Wow wow wow ..... amazing
The people of Aceh connect mystical powers with Rencong's weapons. Rencong is still used and used as a fashion attribute in every Aceh ceremonies. The people of Aceh believe that the form of Rencong represents the symbol of Bismillah in the beliefs of Islam.

thanks, hope i can tell all about Aceh to the World with my doodle art..please give some correction if am getting wrong someday..

I think your writing is perfect and I do not know what kind of advice you want, that's perfect brother @orcheva

thankyou so much.. :)

I really like your work


Ini adalah salah satu seni doodle yang sangat hebat! Saya suka.

makasi bang, masih harus banyak belajar tentang jenis2 ukiran aceh dan seni dan budaya aceh lainnya untuk saya tuangkan kedalam seni doodle...

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