Save the Croissants! Coloring CONTEST by @osm0sis supporting @steemph's A Walk Of Hope project

in #art6 years ago

I wasn’t going to attempt this challenge because I don’t know how to do any computer art, but then I thought, tant pis! I’ll just use my markers and see what happens. I had two ideas, this is probably the sillier of the two.

enter image description here

I went back and read the original post about this drawing since I missed it back then - what a fascinating story! So many of the drawings remind me of the French cartoon-type line drawings I have seen over the years. Toulouse-Lautrec comes to mind… I loved the illustrations of Flaubert!

Anyway, owing to the French backstory of this drawing, I thought it would be fun to play on France’s love of bread and pastries - which I miss everyday in the US. I lived in France for several years and visit friends and family yearly, when the whole family spends a fair amount of time visiting all the artisanl boulangeries & patisseries we can find.

My process included whiting out the coin, drawing some croissants flying out of the woman’s basket and coloring in with markers. No technology besides the printer and my iPhone. I did manage to lighten the background, but that is the extend of my graphic editing knowledge.

The woman with the basket reminded me of Becassine with her striped stockings, so I also played on that. For the finishing touch, I decided the man with the big pack on his back should be transporting a load of fresh baguettes - he may be overdressed for the job, but he does look quite dapper.

For the title, I wanted to think of something really perfect in French and English. The English title is nothing special, but the French title is a common expression that loosely translates to “going like hotcakes.” It literally means "going like little breadrolls, " which I thought was close enough to work for croissants.

I hope I’m not being overly obnoxious with my play on favorite French stereotypes here. I for one would still happily eat a good croissant that had fallen on the ground! I know how much work goes into making them after my adventures with making a galette des rois (king cake) from scratch a couple of months ago.

Thanks to @osm0sis for putting on this fun contest. I’ll be checking back to see what everyone came up with.

Photo and coloring by me: Orangina
Original drawing used with permission.

Written with StackEdit.



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Nice @orangina!! I love the little "clin d'oeil" you gave to the French here (Becassine and the croissants... how much more French can it get?!).
In all honesty, I'm sure my great-grandfather would have laughed and nodded in approval.
Is it me or is that lady in the back placing her hand on the old man's "derriere"? "Oh mon Dieu" indeed 😉

Thanks! I confess, I had lascivious plans for the lady in the back, but my drawing skills are limited, so that was the best I could do. ;-) She's got needs too!

This is fantastic! 😂 Checking out the contest, it's amazing to see how many different ways people interpreted the image. Glad you were bold enough to share your work!

You've been upvoted + resteemed by the #LadiesofSteemit initiative​. Keep up the great work! 💓

Thank you so much, @ladiesofsteemit! I am honored and really pleased :-) I guess I should be brave more often!

Oh definitely save those croissants!

I know! What I wouldn't do for one right now!

Haha missing croissant in the US..we found a french bakery once in Arizona lols
that was the best croissant ever🤣🤣

croissants tj.JPG
I found these today at Trader Joe's... I did not buy them.

I for one would still happily eat a good croissant that had fallen on the ground!

And I'm pretty sure the competition owner would too!

The standard is high from what I've seen so far and your comical entry is definitely included in that, well done!

Yes, yes, I would. Why waste a perfectly fine croissant. Especially a butter one.

A butter one - even better cause it has the chance to collect more fooood on the floor :D

It's a well known fact that everything is bettah wit' a bit o' buttah.
Sticky butter croissant picking up extra food... SCORE!

Filipinos have this saying "anything that have fallen on the floor for less than 10 seconds are edible"🤣😂😁

It's 5 seconds in Canada.
In France, there's no time limit. Food is food. 😜

My thoughts exactly! trois croissant en beurre s'il te plait!!!

Thanks :-) It was fun! I love these contests!

I love your creation the way you make your own imagination.. I love to eat French bread.. cheap one as what my money can afford.. this completion is very interesting that will allow you to showcase your talent or skills. pro or not both are highly appreciated.. win or lose.. all entry are winner.. putting passion and dedication to this piece is extremely different.. not because of the skills we posses because of the heart we included onto it.. I really appreciate this kind of initiative that people is trying to value your worth as you are discovering as well the precious gem that is hiding inside you.. and explore things out from your box.

Thank you so much for your thoughtful comment :) I appreciate your words!

Pas de pitié pour les croissants 😜

Pas de pitié en les mangeant!

La création d'un croissant coin me paraît judicieuse ! le beurre pourrait servir de blockchain ! :)

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such a fun entry, I was chuckling along with your story!

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