The Observer

in #art7 years ago


The Tree

Every day this week I have passed this large tree, he is a giant in a field of crops. This evening I went out with my pen and sketch pad to draw him. His bark is grey with character and protruding sprigs of fresh green leaves. I wonder what he has seen whilst stood here over all those years.



'The Observer' - 2017


Pen and watercolours on paper

Trees are a real source of inspiration for me, they hold so much character. From young saplings to old giants, each has a unique story to tell.

Is there a tree that is special to you, why not tell me about it below?

Just grow with it!


I was born in West Virginia, in America, but we did not always live there. We moved around a lot and in the early 90s we moved back to this cinder-block house, that stood two stories tall, just along the riverbank. There was a tree that stood there, tall and always sheltering the house.

We left the place a few years later but I always wondered what happened to that tree, if it was still growing or if it had finally let go of the bank and let go of life. In 2006 I moved back to the house, started a new life, and was glad to see the tree was still there but it was so much taller. It overshadowed the house and I always worried one day, its grasp on the bank would give way and it would take the house with it.

We left the house for a little while in 2013, to go on a little adventure, and somebody burned it down. The tree is still there, keeping watch over the hole where our house used to be, looking over our memories of a place that no longer exists.

Nice story, sorry about your house. Do you still own the land?

My parents do. It's supposed to be passed down to me, if it is, I'll make a home there again, maybe. :)

Oh my, that is an amazing story- sorry to hear about the house!
Do you have any pictures? This story would make a great post.

I do but hadn't thought about it. I'll have to find some time and do that. :) Thanks for the idea! :) I wish I had some from when I was a child there, I'll have to ask my parents. Thank you for your story, I love trees! <3

Trees in general are special to me, when I am out deep in the woods I feel messages coming from them. We literally breath their air; they speak to us every day and we cannot hear or understand them, but they love us. We have a beautiful one in our back yard. It is curved and old; not sure what kind it is.

Lovely painting, as usual. :)

Beautiful thoughts @twirble, I love the thought of breathing their air- that's already forming visuals in my mind.

ah those big amazing trees stop me as well. Your painting is beautiful and I especially love your initial black and white sketch.

Thank you so much @natureofbeing. There is something refreshing about sketching outdoors!

Another amazing work of art! I have fond memories of a Weeping Willow Tree that was in my back yard when I was a child. It was huge. Friends and family would sit under it and lay under it on chase lounges, and we would just enjoy each others company on warm, sunny days and nights.

That is a beautiful memory to share, thank you!

Thank you for reminding me of it! :)

There was an enormous oak that I sat under during high school and wrote the graduation speech under. Alas it fell during Hurricane Irene/Lee in August of 2011...It and some of the other very large trees were much higher than the others and took the full brunt of the storm. Strangely, it was only two months after my Mother passed on.

Thank you for sharing these precious and personal memories.

crying beside a tree also helps :)

There is comfort in their stature.

Your a very good artist!! I like the way you put your blog together too, very organized and neat looking. Keep up the good work, looking forward to more art. They told you money doesnt grow on trees lol, well they were wrong!! :)

Thank you, i spend a lot of time on my formatting- thank you for the positive feedback!

Np my fellow steemian :)

This is absolutely amazing!
You are such a great artist haha
I will keep wishing I will be as good as you one day

Oh thank you!

Sometimes it's good to just stop and observe


I must say, this is amazing!

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