Embrace the Chaos

in #art6 years ago


Lines of confusion

Today, I'm showing you a digital drawing called 'Embrace the Chaos' that I created on the visual platform DADA as part of a visual conversation called 'lost in thought'. In this drawing lines weave and curve across the page, eventually forming a confusing mass of lines. In the middle of the chaos stands a figure, embracing it all.

Draw on our sketchpad and someone from around the world can reply to you with a drawing of their own. Start a story, send someone a message, have a conversation, meet and draw with other artists. Fun!

Source: http://blog.dada.nyc/about/

green inkmarks.png

Drawing on DADA


The initial stages of creating my drawing

The digital drawings were created on DADA using my drawing tablet and pen, and the Smartpad drawing tools on the platform. The tools on DADA include a paintbrush, eraser and pencil option, and the option to alter the colour.


Smartpad drawing tools on DADA.NYC

You can choose background color, pencil colors, widths of the pencils, and transparency. You can go back, erase, and also save your drawing for later. When you are ready, you can add tags, choose to automatically share in Facebook, click on the “POST” button, and show your art to the world.

Source: medium.com/@PowerDada/dada-faqs

You can see below some of the different stages of how I made 'Embrace the Chaos' my digital drawing on DADA.



'Embrace the Chaos'


This image is part of the visual conversation 'lost in thought' on DADA. You can see more of the visual conversation here: https://dada.nyc/sh/AtXyBsAn. DADA is a great place to draw and connect with other artists!

DADA is a social network where people speak to each other through drawings, if you love drawing take a look at DADA for yourself -https://dada.nyc and follow @dadanyc on Steemit.


If you enjoyed this image then check out my Steemit post Hang On -my DADA drawing.

DADA is a social network where people speak to each other through drawings, if you love drawing take a look at DADA for yourself -https://dada.nyc and follow @dadanyc on Steemit.


Some of my DADA images


Redbubble shop


Have a great day and Steem on!


Oh yeah!!! I especially love the compilation of your dada images. Such a colorful piece with so much feeling. I love how into dada you are, and all the meaning infused into each image. Grateful for your artful expression here on Steemit--as always, so inspiring @opheliafu.

Congratulations, @opheliafu. Not only is it a good drawing, but it says a lot! Interpretation is the most powerful part of the image. That being in the middle of it all, arms outstretched! Symbolically he is the man who emerges, who reconciles, who remains firm before everything. It is very significant that the human figure looks like a tree. Excellent!

A lot of thoughts on this. I like the idea of the tree, the strength coming from the foundations beneath the earth.

Exactly!It's really a great drawing.

This drawing is a rather artistic way of expressing the miscontrol that we sometimes have in our lives regarding what we want to do or what we do not work well, that's how I see it but in any case is amazing!

Thank you @gvand- glad this image spoke to you.


It has been too long.
I am circumnavigating the idea of reentering the land of the living. I thought dada might be a tool to assist in that.
It's reference to the movement and view of all things absurd about society does lure me.
Can I ask you some questions? I guess I just did...
Is it exclusively digital?
Do you upload your water colours etc?
Have you found success their? Either socially, culturally or occupationally?
How does the crypto element of dada work?
I see they are conversation driven art collaborations. Do you initiate conversations , are they community driven?
Is the incidence of commission or credit for work a rarity? Not important to me, I'm just curious.
Is their genuine opportunity for exposure / income? Is it much like steemit , you reap what you sow, hard work, dedication, talent, consistancy, popularity and a dose of good fortune?

Is it fun! ?

I assume it is since you have maintained it ☺

Last question.
Doodle Doodlay... Any chance of a comeback contest. If you are too busy, I wonder if I have your blessing for a relaunch?
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 💃

Most of the answers you will find here: https://medium.com/@PowerDada/dada-faqs-e5372184f8ed and on @dadanyc's blog posts.

No work is uploaded, it is all digital drawings created on the platform using their drawing tools. Like the piece below:

You can initiate conversations, or join in(once you have 200 points). It is a fun and friendly community and this is why i continue to be engaged with it.
The selling of work is a different part and I don't currently have work in the collection that is for sale -the DADA blog and FAQ's post is a good place to find out about that side of things

For the moment, you can’t directly sell your art on DADA. You can start drawing, and become part of the community. Anyone can sign up to DADA.nyc and it is free to use. All the art is created by users in our platform. Nothing is uploaded. At the moment, we keep the art gallery separate from the drawing platform, which is a space to freely enjoy drawing and create collaborative art with other artists.


The Doodle Doodledayeo challenge: not sure yet if I'm bringing it back. I had to take a break when I started some other projects. Setting the challenges doesn't take too much time, but I couldn't commit to the hours I was spending daily upvoting, commenting and curating the challenge while doing other work, and I didn't feel that would be fair to people drawing for the challenge. If you would like to relaunch it then that would be OK.

Wow thanks for your fast and generous reply.

Yes, the contest time factor and commitment to others is what makes me hesitate. In the past I would find a window of motivation and I want to jump through feet first without hesitation or planning, purely driven by impulse.
But I too feel an overwhelming commitment to people who participate, and my changeable personal stuff makes me an unreliable host. So I do think I will heed your words and hold back on sabotaging myself and the legacy of your beautiful community initiative. Baby steps for me. If you do get time in the future I will be a very pleased little doodler.

I painted for the first time in a while. For a contest in my tangible world. The entries closed on Saturday and it was not completed in time. I feel like I should be disappointed in myself for not making it in time, I have tried to force myself to be, but I feel rather satisfied for having initiated something creative again. I surprised myself with that shift in thinking, I just couldn't induce the self judgement it wasn't there, what was there was satisfaction in creating just for myself without the extrinsic stuff. I think this is a great sign, not just on a personal front but from a creative perspective too.
Creating because you have to for yourself, it feels like a part of the soul. That's the spirit that the doodle challenge rekindled in many people. It got people back in touch with the artist too many of us leave behind at primary school.

It is nice to see your work is still thriving here and on dada. I love your energy and style.

I don't want to put you off, it is a fun thing to run... but I was often up to the early hours of the morning managing it. Plus when I found DADA I found that same sense of fun and enjoyment in drawing and community spirit, which is why I promote the site so much here on Steemit. DADA is open to everyone no matter what skill level or style of drawing, and the tools integrated on the site make it much more inclusive as we are all using the same tools to draw with.
Come and join in the drawing on DADA and say hello to me there!

I'm always trying to corral the chaos, I call it, so I can feel your drawing here. The noise and hustle and bustle of life some how held at bay or trapped for a moment to take a breath.

I like to think the hands in this image are about to beckon the chaos 'bring it on!'

This is what I like about art. It can take any form and still be relevant and portray a message. And it is totally up to the viewer as to how to interpret it :)

Thank you, it is a simple piece but I think it conveys chaos and energy.

very cool work! you are expert on dadadrawing software. love your stoke and colors. It looks amazing!

Very kind- thank you

I love/hate chaos xD
I definitely love this chaos :D

Ditto - sometimes we draw energy from the chaos, other times it exhausts.

Gosh... This is amazing, I looked at it again and again, it's such an awesome piece of art produced by a simple execution of an awesome idea

Glad you like it - thanks!

The man stands in the chaos and resisting alone regardless of every single strike

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