Industrial Romanticism and Fantasy by Dioneth

in #art8 years ago (edited)

Roman Bocharov, an artist and a musician from Irkutsk, works under pseudonym Dioneth. Running into his drawings on the web, I chose him to illustrate my sci-fi novel in progress "The Orphaned Earth". Hence, I found it important to tell a few words about him here on Steemit.

Veliard. "The Orphaned Earth"

Dioneth authors a series of mesmerizing graphic art works, combining industrial and post-apocalyptic settings and defines his style as "post-industrial romanticism." Impeccable technique and scrupulous attention to details immerse the viewer in a world of his art, and monochrome color evokes nostalgic for the illustrations of retro science fiction books.

Roman says he has been drawing and painting as long as he remembers himself: his initial sources of inspiration were manga and anime. He was growing up in the 90-s, at the epoch of general pessimism, economic depression and industrial degradation. Poverty, street gangs were everyday reality in his city, so Roman found his own way to surround himself with something beautiful. He started creating it by himself.

As it often happens with "dark" artists, his works have not been always easily accepted by his entourage. While at secondary school, he was assigned to illustrate the wall newspaper dedicated to Halloween, but finally his drawings were rejected by the school administration. Once he even was made to meet the school psychologist because of depicting himself and his family as marionettes, but the psychologist found nothing "morbid" about it. After school Roman entered Irkutsk State University to study art history.

The main characters of Roman's art are City (often half-immersed into the wilderness) and Darkness which hides no monsters, because monsters are generally invented by people. Most of all he is inspired by abandoned buildings and industrial objects. Though he sometimes draws people, he seldom places them in the center of his works, stressing their fragility in the face of Space and Death.

Randy at the bridge. "The Orphaned Earth"

"I like setting myself goals, finding challenges. I am always interested if I can show something that I 've seen thousands of times but have never drawn. In addition, I'm a big music fan, because I think music is one of the most mysterious things in nature. Simply put, it has always been there, but only Humans succeeded to recover it from the myth. Our mind is an amazing thing, and it is a pity that it is often ignored. At times, I play music, but simply as an amateur. I'm also a big fan of science. I've never worked in this area, but I'm amazed at how human ingenuity reveals the mysteries of the universe, discovering the facts that have waited for billions of years to be discovered," he says.

Dioneth is open for cooperation with science fiction writers, and I suppose, that some serious music authors are welcome either. His contacts are provided on the website:


It looks like a fantastically beautiful! I follow you!

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