Semra - artwork by oender tuerk design

in #art6 years ago

She was beautiful but not like those girls in the magazines. She was beautiful for that what she thought. She was beautiful for that sparkle in her eyes when she talked about something she loved. She was beautiful for her ability to make other people smile even she was sad.
No, she wasn't beautiful for something as temporary as her looks. She was beautiful, deep down to her soul.
quote by F. Scott Fitzgerald



It does not matter how beautiful or good someone looks, if the person has a bad heart and / or bad character then it automatically makes that person ugly.

...but there are these few people, no matter how beautiful they are, they are still modest, have a good heart and are very helpful. This sets them apart from everyone else.

That is no beauty anymore.

In the crowd, they immediately catch your attention with their aura. The way they move, talk to you, look at you, with that light in their eyes...

These people are never forgotten, they are like the stars shining in the night...

Semra was such a person.


Es ist egal wie schön oder gut jemand äusserlich aussieht, wenn die Person ein schlechtes Herz und/oder einen schlechten Karakter hat, dann macht es diese Person automatisch hässlich.

...aber es gibt diese einen wenigen Menschen, egal wie schön sie sind, sie sind trotzdem bescheiden, haben ein gutes Herz und sind sehr hilfsbereit. Dies hebt sie von allen anderen ab.

Das ist keine Schönheit mehr.

In der Menge fallen sie sofort auf mit ihrer Aura. Die Art wie sich bewegen, mit dir reden, dich anschauen, mit diesem Licht in ihren Augen...

Diese Menschen vergisst man nie, sie sind wie das leuchten der Sterne in der Nacht...

Semra war so ein Mensch.

graphite & charcoal work
you can find this work
also at my DeviantArt


Mich würde jetzt nur interessieren ob Semra wirklich existiert, oder eine Fiktion der perfekten Person für dich ist. :)

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Mögen uns im Leben lauter Semra's begegnen. ..👏👏👏👏

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Wieder alle Daumen hoch !

Gruß mIchael

danke Michael

I've met some of those type people. Their spirit is beautiful and you are just drawn to them. Doesn't matter what their physical description is, the beauty is magnified.

You got a 31.54% upvote from @ocdb courtesy of @oendertuerk!

super gorgeous !

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