Sad Sunday Sketches and Free Work Offered :) Taking Requests for the Evening!

in #art7 years ago

Pen, Poetry and Instability

So I was gathering up some of the art that I did this weekend and I'm noticing a trend. Do you notice the trend as well?

Collage 2017-09-12 18_41_15.jpg

Heads Up... There is a penis in this next one...


this is a work in progress. It is inspired by my brother who used to drive me these very dark and colorful drawings. He was not a blood brother but I person I was very close to me, and he died about two years ago. I am finding that I'm doing a lot of this kind of art and I don't really mean to.


This one especially though, I remember he made me this one and it was called the dog days of summer and then he made another one that was called those summer nights with sort of a Grease kind of vibe. He would be proud.


Did I mention ge went to seminary?

Barely but NSFW does as NSFW do....

And the brain takes its time. I can alays tell what im trying to ignore by my art. I especially like meditating before hand. I have a specific mantra that I use to cultivate this page. It works mostly but as of pate most of it dark... No matter what. Im sure that it is justa phase...


You're At War Child...

I had the other drawn a while ago when positive was easier to attain. I keep drawing and trying for another outcome, without jinxing the work.

I never know what it is exactly it is that drawing until it is there. I oike most if it and for tge ones i dont... I can see progress and Im aware of the process. Uncomfortable, yet tidy

The opposite of this...


This one was saddish but not so bad. Maybe it will inspire and get turned into something better, someday.

It is a sad realization. Significant?

My writing.... It is the one suffering. What the heck brain???

I feel that it shouod ve significant!

If this doesn't change to some positive, I'm tempted to start taking requests. Just do happy or non emotional for a bit. Jump start this mess!

Fuck It... Why not??

Anyine up and need a drawing? Maybe a banner or a drawing or an infographic?

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