Freebie Friday: @Girlbeforemirror's Eeyore!

in #art7 years ago

I hope I didn't screw it up too much! Your Tigger will be along later today. Finishing up some others that were further along first. Please feel free to stop by and make another request! I'm almost caught up! (Just being a little slow at getting them posted up. A bit of a busy morning for me.) Much love. Hope you're having a good day today. <3

Want to make a Freebie Friday request of your own? You can do so by commenting on this post.

Please do not use the comments of this post for unsolicited self-promotion. Thank you.


Nice drawing !
I love to see you keeping busy!
I wish you a peaceful night!

Hey there! Make a request for this weekend? :D

I'll be posting Fatty up a bit later today. Putting finishing touches on it!

I'm definitely keeping busy! Hopefully I'll be much more busy this weekend! (I'm almost all caught up! Been pushing through yesterday and this morning.)

You take care, my good friend! A peaceful night to you and yours as well!

I love it. Eeyore keeps the team grounded. xxxx
Thank you <3

You're more than welcome!

As I said, your Tigger will be along later today. And...some bonus presents I started the outlines of. You and your husband being Tigger and Eeyore reminded me of one of my favorite stories with them. So I thought I'd try to draw it for you. <3

You're more than welcome (In fact, please do!) stop buy and make a request this week. Maybe your husband would also like to make a request?

I'm on a roll today! Hopefully it'll last all weekend!

I love these giveaways I do a few myself

Remove your link from this comment. I very clearly stated above no unsolicited self-promotion. Which is exactly what this is.

is that better? Sorry

Much better. Thank you.

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