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RE: Everyone Went to Steemfest: The Place is Dead and I Feel Like That Kid on Home Alone

in #art6 years ago

That's kind of shitty. I experimented with not voting for myself, but went back to voting for myself to continue my experiment. There were a few occasions I was under $5, but that changes, and I won't complain. It's good to know. I thought maybe I was blacklisted for some strange reason.


I don't think it's so shitty, they're trying to reward under-rewarded creators who create "excellent" content.

Doesn't mean I - or they - don't think you're under-rewarded, just means that there are others who are more so. You might want to read their white paper at some point, it's a fairly quick read. never mind, for some reason I can't get on to their site where I found it approx. 2 months ago. Still that's the gist of it.

'Course, I do wish I'd gotten more Curies myself. I've only received one so far, still waiting on this

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