I Don't Feel Like Writing A Post Today But This Title Should At Least Appear To Be Important and Written By Someone Who Isn't Lazy

in #art6 years ago

@NoNamesLeftToUse The Writer/Artist Himself will not be in to work today.

So I guess you'll just have to put up with me instead.

NoNamesLeftToUse - Read The Writing On The Wall.png
Read The Writing On The Wall

Straight from my mind,

to yours.

Before I enjoy these donuts, I must remember to lick my fingers before I type.  I thought I'd start there, so I don't forget.

The donuts were good, the fingers are clean; but I still don't feel like writing a post.

The art.

I could talk about the art.

What is there to say about it though...

I have a lot of memories of being treated like crap for simply wanting to do something I enjoy doing.  I think we've all been there.

This platform is one of the toughest crowds I've had the privilege to work in front of.  It has been a solid learning experience and I'm grateful for all of it.  No matter what the world throws at me, whether it's rotten fruit or random compliments; it all adds up and combined, it makes me a better man, not a bitter man.

Some people get it, other people don't get it.

That's how the world works.  If I produce some art, the way I want to do it, and someone doesn't get it, that's fine.  That doesn't make me a failure, there's nothing for me to be angry or frustrated about.  It's no different than a student sitting in a math class somewhere, unable to understand the problem, unable to come up with the correct answer.  Some folks just don't get it, and that's cool.

There's no right or wrong answer here.

What I do, is anything I want to do.  No restrictions.

The end result can be interpreted many different ways; every conclusion is the right answer, even if, in the end, after giving it thought, someone decides they don't like it.

In this world, everything I do; it's all both good and bad, at the same time.  Nothing I do can only be good, and thankfully, not everything I do can only be bad.

We all enjoy compliments, even though they make us feel awkward at times.  Being treated like crap, taking some flak; that also feels awkward.  Feeling awkward feels the same, either way, the only thing that changed are the circumstances.

Feeling awkward, around here, is starting to feel normal for me.  Feeling normal means, whether you get it or not, whether you like it or not, I'll be able to carry on, business as usual.

If you want to go places in life,

it's good bring a thick skin along.

But if you combine the thick skin with a heart made of stone, you'll sink faster than you can say, "I'm drowning."

Have a nice day.

All art and images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
NoNamesLeftToUse Outro.png

"I'm thinking it might be quiet around here tonight."

© 2018 @NoNamesLeftToUse.  All rights reserved.


This is what I saw immediately upon opening this post:


In this world, everything I do; it's all both good and bad, at the same time. Nothing I do can only be good, and thankfully, not everything I do can only be bad.

I resonate with the above statement. But now I can't stop resonating and my entire desk is starting to break down into fundamental particles. Thanks a lot, @nonameslefttouse.

I guess it could be Beavis after having his head dipped in ketchup.

About the desk: You're supposed to wear the deresonator helmet at all times. Didn't they teach you this in school?

They did teach me that. But I felt like such a dork wearing it.

At this point, the burning question is what kind of doughnuts? I don't care if you feel awkward and when but if there is food around, you have to be specific.

Tim Hortons, of course. Plus, they were free.

Is the red guy up there the one writing and eating donuts? He prefers to turn donuts to ash before eating I guess. Now he sculpted that donut into an ashy bull. Also seeing some praying hands in that ash. Red man has a face with sticking out tongue and praying hands on his head too. Such a contradicting guy.

The red guy couldn't see, so he lit his arm on fire, and that's when he realized there's more to this world than the darkness surrounding him, but he can't understand the writing on the wall. Something like that.

The donuts. That's just me writing out my thoughts, as I eat donuts. No metaphors there, I just like donuts.

I also can't understand the writings on the wall. Red Guy and I have so much in common.

I also just like donuts. Noname and I have so much in common.

The world feels so small right now.

It's a secret code type writing. I know what it says, and that's all that matters, for now.

it feels good just to feel what ever it is you feel -human and alive!

I feel a hot cup of coffee, which is something I need, otherwise I'll feel like a dead human.

i feel a song coming on. touch me touch me i wanna feel.. opps wrong song. i feel the earth under my feet... i feel like having more coffee also

Exactly! You get it. You cannot please all the people all the time, so you may as well please yourself! If you really want thick skin, try making cooking videos on YouTube...those little old ladies are vicious LOL!

Youtube... read the comments under nearly every video, scroll down far enough, all you'll see is hate and trolling.

We're a spoiled bunch around here, but if the place ever takes off, we can kiss the warm, fuzzy comment sections goodbye. On the bright side, instances of trolling and hate will simply fall into the category of background noise.

I totally agree with you!

No matter what the world throws at me, whether it's rotten fruit or random compliments; it all adds up and combined, it makes me a better man, not a bitter man.

BTW nice art

Hello @nonameslefttouse, thank you for sharing this creative work! We just stopped by to say that you've been upvoted by the @creativecrypto magazine. The Creative Crypto is all about art on the blockchain and learning from creatives like you. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon. Steem on!

Steemit has the nicest crowds I had seen and experienced so far which made me like it here but in the "real world" I feel the threat and prejudice, it is a sad reality because people are often just are very visual beings.

Hey! Look at you doing well in a drought!

Man, like has been a zoo the last few months. I keep trying to post here regularly but life is nuts. Anyway - just thought I'd say hi! - K

Comedy and art will always bring the biggest mix of people, all with an opinion. And it's my opinion that your mix of these things is awesome :)

It is my great privilege to make you feel awkward ;)

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