I Don't Always Think of a Good Title: But When I Do...

in #art8 years ago

It's a bat with a heart for an eye getting choked on top of a guy who's looking at you on top of a guy who's eating a hamburger on top of a guy licking the floor.

Bat Guy Hamburger Floor - Copy.jpeg

"The satisfaction of winning is your prize today,"
said your confused fortune cookie.

Thank you for playing:

The Game You Had No Idea You Were Playing

Bat Guy Hamburger Floor Small - Copy (2).jpeg

All images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
"Bat! Guy! Hamburger! Floor!"
[email protected]

©2017 Two Insanity Productions. All rights reserved.
Follow @NoNamesLeftToUse


The best part is, I TOTALLY see what you are talking about! Love the title.

That's a relief...
I spent a long moment wondering if I'd be the only one, again. Your comment proves I'm not hallucinating and/or going crazy. Today, is a good day.

I might be in the running for the...

The kids are off school this week. Don't have much time to write and the art doesn't make itself! Many of you know how it is. Enjoy your day!

I don't see the hamburger. Everything else, yes. Did you have the munchies when you made this? lol! I probably would have seen oreos.
Your kids have the same winter break as this school district, that's almost odd considering a couple towns over from us has it the week before. Though when you said you were playing ps4 with the kids, I looked around at the troop in my house (this is where all the friends come to play) and wondered if that was the case, lol.

That hamburger is there alright. It's slightly hidden and half eaten. There's a bit of steam coming off the top of it and heading to the left, but you may have to cross your eyes to get that part.

... and I enjoy these lazy days when the kids are around. They certainly deserve the break.

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