A Nice Colorful Image To Look At: YOU'RE DOING IT ALL WRONG!

in #art6 years ago

Good evening.
"It's not evening where I live, you're doing it wrong!"

Welcome to another blog post of mine.
"This isn't a blog post, it's a shit post, and you're doing it wrong!"

My name is @NoNamesLeftToUse The Writer/Artist Himself.
"That's a stupid name! You're doing it wrong!"

Today, I have a simple work of art to show you.
"Wrong! Wrong! So wrong! So very very wrong!"

Here it is:
"Where! Where! I don't see anything! When are you actually going to do some work around here!"

NoNamesLeftToUse - It's Only Some Colorful Stuff For Now.jpeg
It's Only Some Colorful Stuff For Now
"What kind of stupid name is that!!"

I hope you've enjoyed my post.

"What post! This looks like it took ten seconds to slap together! You're doing it wrong!"

I spent a couple hours working on that colorful mess. I'm tired.
"How can you be tired! It takes me two seconds to download an image! Why would it take you two hours! You must be doing it wrong!"

Have a nice day.
"How can we have a nice day?! Can't you see the world is ending!"

All art and images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
NoNamesLeftToUse Outro.png

"Only a moron would write something here in this space! You're doing it wrong!"

© 2018 @NoNamesLeftToUse.  All rights reserved.


Was this the gist of an actual conversation? XD

It's a nice colourful mess. I was just admiring the red orange yellow and how it blends so nicely into the blue black and how the green contrasts.

Nah. It's just satire. I thought this community was ready to laugh at itself. I thought wrong!

Oh look! Someone actually noticed the art!

I always laugh at me, don’t know about the rest of the community 😋

Posted using Partiko iOS

I must be doing it all wrong as well, I enjoyed this post. It works for my sometimes short attention span.

Posted using Partiko Android

I'm probably "doing it all wrong." This was just some satire based on current events here on this platform. Of course, many folks around aren't in the mood for jokes, which is probably why this post is doing so poorly right now, and as much as I want to continue writing humor, this just seems like neither the time nor the place for it. Doing it all wrong. LOL.

Na, If you stop writing humour, then you will be "doing it all wrong" This whole place needs to lighten up a bit. I guess I come from the Aussie perspective where we constantly "take the piss" out of ourselves as much as each other. Humour is the best way to get through tough times. If every post is critical, and negative, or attacking, more people will drift away. Stay funny, this place needs it.

In Canada we're often able to laugh at ourselves quite easily as well. This is part of my culture. If we can't laugh at our problems, we're in trouble. I'm just as guilty as the next person for falling into these dramatic traps and getting involved in things that don't matter. I'm laughing at myself here and hoping I can carry on, business as usual, instead of getting sucked into the chaos.

If every post is critical, and negative, or attacking, more people will drift away.

There's a lot of that going on along with some fake positives acting like they're high up on pedestals, looking down on everyone who isn't acting like them, egging on those who they view as negative and trying to divide everyone. Oh well... and here I am, stuck in the middle making jokes.

i always wanted to go to canadia just waiting for all the canadians to move out first though :)

Ah dammit. I've been shitposting all this time then

Posted using Partiko Android

Dude. Look how hard I bombed today! LOL! I posted literal shit yesterday and that post did better than this! I did it all wrong!

Its cause you used "nice" too much. That's not in the shit post vocabulary

Posted using Partiko Android

But you are right on when you are being so wrong.

I did it all wrong! The proof is all around!

Why is that guy throwing up into the giant pair of lips? Is it because the purple hooded spectre is that fucking scary? Am I doing this comment wrong?

Where in the hell did you learn how to comment! You did it all wrong!

I learned it in Class! The Writer/Artist Himself taught me how! And then he nominated everyone to write a shit post but I didn't have time to write a shit post so I'm writing a shit comment!

what a fucking fuck-fuck comment

A bit like a witch looking into an image of her future inside her cauldron. You can see an up close view of her finger to the side. She's seeing herself walk away in the dark robes. Shadow people follow.

"That's a stupid interpretation! None of that is in there!"

That other voice in your head is kind of a jerk - he's even attacking the commenters now.

No, no, no, no, no! That's not what's there! The jerk was right! Not listening to the jerk is doing it wrong!

Nope, definitely a witch finger, definitely a cauldron-future-telling-thing. Obviously, a random viewer with no background into the internal workings of the artist's mind knows more than the random jerk voices in the artist's head.

Besides, jerks are never right. I'm sure of that.

What if the jerk said, "I'm a jerk." Hmm? Then what?

Then the jerk voice has to accept the fact that he can never be right, then have the epiphany that if he stops being a jerk he can be right...at least occasionally. And then the mind has one less jerk. This is beautiful.

I think we've all got a jerk voice. Mine grumbles about needing peace and quiet - it's an old person jerk voice.

the world isn't ending i'm a day ahead of you and your tomorrow 11.02 am morning will be sunny with birds chirping and some noisy prick mowing the lawn next door have a nice day. lol

Why is that guy mowing the snow!! He's doing it wrong! ;)

I have some clown mowing nearby also, I just wish he would come do my lawn for me as well.

lol. ive got plastic lawn so it's just noise to me with no possible benifit

Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! Quit feeding the voices in your head! lol

If I don't feed them, they only get louder!

Beautiful how all the colors flow together into one masterful artistic piece

Thanks! I made it all by myself!

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