Snotgirl Artwork: Getting Pencil and Pastels to Paper (and a reply to VincentB’s Steemit concerns).

in #art7 years ago

Good day, my fellow Steemian!

During my lazy Sunday morning, I decided to whip out some paper and try drawing one of my new favourite characters I’m currently reading!

Lottie Person, AKA Snotgirl, is the protagonist in the comic of the same name. Without turning this into a Snotgirl review, I just wanted to share some art with you all. I’ll be the first to admit that it’s not my best. However, I coloured it in bed while Hayley was asleep next to me and I completed the sketch relatively quickly to get out of the mindset that everything has to be perfect. In a way, I wanted to make a piece that in my eyes at least, was imperfect. That’s my justification for a dodgy piece of art!

I’ve added a selection of photos to show you how Lottie progressed from a simple sketch to the final product (it’s got a cute filter on it that I thought was perfect for Lottie – she’s obsessed with perfect selfies!).

I wasn’t particularly happy with her eyes and I really don’t think pastels suited something this detailed, but I love the vibrancy of pastels and I couldn’t help myself!

If you’ve come for the reply to VincentB, you’ll see that as the end note stitched onto the bottom of this article – they’re just my own thoughts. I’d be happy to get everyone else’s honest feedback after they watch the video outlining his thoughts about Steemit’s unsustainability without monetisation.

Until you get that far, enjoy the photos and my process!

This was where the eyes turned to spots of poop on Lottie's face. Sorry, Lottie! Maybe I should stick with inks and water colours for this kind of art. Thoughts?

I liked how her hair turned out, but everything else was pretty "Meh". My favourite photo of the art is the cover image - I used the 'cartoon' filter I used on my Samsung Galaxy S8.

End Note.

While I’m floating about on Steemit this afternoon, it’s worth addressing my Vincentb readers and @elpompador, himself.

I watched Vinny’s recent video about the actual value/worth and long term sustainability of Steem and took in his healthy scepticism of the Steemit platform. His concern is that the platform makes no revenue and is therefore unsustainable. I disagree – the revenue (or value, as I prefer) comes from the energy input by contributors to entertain and inform one another. If you’re reading this, it obviously has some kind of value to you. Maybe you don’t think it’s worthy of an upvote, but it’s certainly worth more than nothing or else you wouldn’t be reading this far!

I’m not sure I agree with his take on how Steemit is potentially pyramid scheme-esque. Yes, people are giving SBD and Steem value by purchasing it to begin with, but if the true end goal is to actually use SBD and Steem along with other cryptocurrencies for transactions without the need for fiat currency, I don’t see the problem. For your own interest, over 90% of my wallet value was earned here on Steemit, not bought.

Let’s fast forward years into the future and make a bold assumption that fiat currency loses much of it’s power due to mass adoption of bitcoin and other cryptographic stores of wealth and value.

If you’ve got BTC, SBD, ETH or Steem, you have tokens available to be traded for other things of value. People will accept them if they see value in them or if they have utility (a purpose - such as the purpose Steem/SBD has to show interest in contributors' work through upvotes and transfers, which you cannot do with any fiat currency).

SBD, Steem and SP are currently the only way to financially interact with other members of the Steemit platform, much the same way that you are only able to use the Australian dollar in Australia. The difference is, we all volunteered to be a part of Steemit, whereas we were forced into the current government manipulated financial set up we currently find ourselves in.

I think people who contribute meaningfully on Steemit sharing stories, ‘life hacks’, comics, art and music along with a long list of other things, bring immense value to the platform, and in turn, to the native currency. The more value people see in Steemit, the more people will join. I have children in my classes aged from eight to eleven talking about Steemit.

More kids in my class know about Steemit than they do Bitcoin. How rad is that? I don't think Steemit is going anywhere any time soon.

Well, thanks for stopping by, ladies and gents! It's come to that special time where you UPVOTE!

All the best,


All content is original.

Disclosure: This article was not a paid promotion and was not self-upvoted.

Thank you so much for your support on my Steemit Space. Please Upvote, Comment and Follow @nickmorphew for regular content.

All comments are read and considered. Well, the shit ones aren't. Actually, they are. That's how I can tell they're shit. Just leave a comment anyway.

I’m still looking for an artist to cover my work on my fantasy saga, Adventures in Elowyn Glade. Please make some noise if you’re interested.

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