The black Aurochs
Imagine a black cattle, huge, with a wither’s height of 180 cm. Long and contorted horns are emerging from its big head. Blood red eyes viciously follow every of your movements and acid saliva drops out of his mouth. Its hoofs paw fretfully and impatiently the thick earth: it is out to get you…
The black Aurochs
Yesterday I went on a longer run with my husband along the riverside. This area is a nature reserve and water protection area. The landscape is a beautiful mixture of meadows, small forest full of poplars and linden trees and rye fields. Scattered amidst this beautiful nature are old timbered houses with their typical white walls and black wooden frames. Carried away by this wonderful landscape (or perhaps fooled by my runners high) I thought it an amazing idea to leave the trail and run cross-country. Look at the heading and you know what happened….
The black Aurochs
No, thankfully not really. But I came across several warning signs which told me to be ‘beware of the free-range Aurochs’. I found this so inspiring that I immediately wanted to impersonate one (you guessed right, I am a completely ignorant city-dweller – instead of leaving this area pronto, I made fun with my cell phone camera)
So, here it comes my impromptu ‘Aurochs impersonation’
If you do not understand what I am doing, don’t despair, I don’t understand it myself any longer. 😂😂 But I felt very aurochs-like at that moment. The story which unfolded in my imagination was, that the mysterious and dangerous aurochs (me) thought itself imprisoned by the wooden barrier but after many times running against it, it realises that it can escape through the main entrance of the meadow. As the aurochs is dangerous, I somehow visualized it having claws, this is the reason for my whirling arms. Strangely I made horse like sounds – I have no explanation for this.
Later I learned that aurochs are extinct for many centuries and I suspect the signs do not mean real aurochs but the black Heck cattle which are normally browsing the vast meadows. Perhaps also better I did not encounter these, although the Heck cattle is not the same as the aurochs, they look huge and have impressing horns.
As this
Darnach schlug er schiere
Einen Wisent und einen Elch,
Starker Ure viere
Und einen grimmen Schelch.
(he killed a wisent, one elk and four aurochs)
The aurochs had gained such a huge importance as game animal that its counterfeit adorns many crests and its horns (edged in gold) are trophies symbolizing worldly power. So big was its fame, that for centuries many countries tried to backbreed/re-breed (real ‘backbreeding’ is impossible) the aurochs. The Heck cattle was one of these attempts.

I feel it necessary to excuse this – ahem – subpar entry. My life doesn’t feel very light right now (my father is super ill and one of my oldest friends died 3 weeks ago). Originally, I wanted to finish this painting for the art explosion contest, which will show a Nessie like creature when its finished. But I am blocked right now, I cannot paint without getting super sad, so I decided to quit it. And then this video emerged yesterday evening and I thought ‘why not make something funny and light’. I hope you can laugh about me making strange noises and movements- which at this moment – I thought looked exactly like an aurochs.
Nice post @neumannsalva