Why is it that some of your best stuff will be on the back of an envelope?

in #art7 years ago

Envelope Art Thumbnail.png

I found this little gem when I went to get more paper to practice with my newish Pixma scanner/printer. (Do they sell any other kind now?) Maybe, its because there is no stress in these doodles. They just feel more fluid and dynamic than I get in my finished work.

Envelope Art.png

Anyway, I thought I would share it, before it inevitably hits the trash can. I hate to be cliche, but drawings are like children, or pets. Their part of you somehow. So it will hang out around the house for a few more years. Until something spills on it, or its similarly destroyed. It's the great circle of life for doodle.

Hope it gives you a little joy this morning.


These drawings look absolutely wonderful.
It is sad that works of art slowly degrade or thrown away over time despite their beauty.
Thank you for sharing these great works @neopatriarch

Thanks for the compliments. Know what you mean though. I would need a museum to keep it all. Unfortunately, no matter how i feel about it, everything's just not worth preserving. Of course if it was going to be preserved forever, it might spur me to greater works, or just freeze my activity altogether from fear. Who knows.

Its so Spectacular!!
Followed & Upvoted & Resteemed

Thanks so much. I love the enthusiasm.

awesome drawing, thanks for sharing!! upvoted

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