in #art8 years ago

As I found out for myself nearly a half of my art connecting with alcohol. It`s strange because don`t drink alcohol alot, but at the same time it`s not, because the most part of my last works (last two years period) were made for breweries. This work was made for #korikohri (everything for cycling), it`s my friend`s internet shop and it was a T-shirt designe.

Как я тут для себя выяснил, около половины моих творческих работ, связаны с алкоголем. С одной стороны, это странно, так как я не употребляю много алкоголя, но с другой стороны, вовсе нет, так как основная часть моих последних работ (последние 2 года), были сделаны для пивоварен. Эта работа была сделана для интернет-магазина  #korikohri, это магазин моего друга, в котором продается всё для велосипедистов и это был принт для футболки.

Here are some scketches








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I have a confession. I went out and bought my first white gel pen yesterday, and I blame you for that sudden inspiration. Haha

HAHA Im happy to by someones inspiration, Im sure you will love it :)

You definitely are an inspiration!
Your artwork is beautiful.

thanks for the kind words!

You bet, buddy! As soon as I find the time to break out that new gel pen and make a post, I will mention you as my inspiration. Is that ok?

it would be great, thanks alot!


Haha! here in Copenhagen there is a lot of bikes, and late at night quite a lot drunken cyclists too. But it is not really anything the police guards. The Danish car-drivers are quite used to cyclists, and they are not alloved to drink'n'drive! which actually makes it less dangerous. Because mostly you need to have a car involved to make it dangerous to use the bicycle...

Great illustration!

haha! very interesting :)

your drawings are cool and original, have character :) upvoted!

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