WINTER SONG .... a brief interlude / Painting & Blog by Neha Bisht / WatercoloursteemCreated with Sketch.

in #art7 years ago (edited)

WINTER SONG... a brief interlude / Painting by Neha Bisht/ Watercolour

Everyone’s interpretation of life and world is unique and personal. It depends on their own experiences .

For me this life is like a never-ending winter, -  bleak, cold , ruthless, painful, monochromatic.

This is the constant structure of this planet and life, that has never changed. It was the same in ice-age. It was the same in the dark ages. And it is the same today.

The form and structure of struggle, toil, survival and pain may change, but it is always there.

Fyodor Dostoevsky wrote “Pain and suffering are always inevitable for a large intelligence and a deep heart.”

Haruki Murakami says, “Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional” .

Then what is happiness? Where is the source of smiles?

If everything is bleak and painful , and pain is inevitable, then what is joy ?

Tolstoy said, "Happiness is an allegory. Unhappiness is the story”..... It could not have been expressed better.

Joy is like the bright twinkling stars shining in a dark velvet sky !

Dostoevsky said, “The darker the night, the brighter the stars"... :)

For me, Joy is a “Winter Song”…

Happiness, light , warmth , love, smiles are momentary intrusions into a bleak winter.

A small act of compassion. A feeling of overwhelming love. A funny occurrence. Beautiful justice done. Life honoured. Brief togetherness. Loving memories ... they all bring joy.

Happiness is like the warm winter sunshine that soaks into the body and reaches the soul. Happiness is like the beautiful colourful winter birds that appear out of nowhere and fill the bleak winter with beauty, warmth, love, joy and music for a moment. Happiness is like a perfume that fills the senses for a brief interlude, spreading love and peace.

Nothing compares to the warmth of the winter sunshine. Nothing compares to the chirping of the cardinals and snowbirds. Nothing is more beautiful than colourful wings fluttering in the canvas of white snow.

Life is like this. Toil , pain & sorrow is the constant truth. Happiness lies in simple feelings and experiences.

It is wise to remember Christmas comes once a year. It is not a daily presence ! :)

My painting WINTER SONG is a tribute to life. It embodies the ability of life energy that smiles despite everything. A life energy that finds a reason to smile under all circumstances.

"Sunlight shines like diamond, in the morning mist.
Soft breeze moves clouds and waves.
Tiny squirrels scamper by, and hedgehogs hide in the bushes.
Swallows, cardinals and snowbirds take playful flights.
Golden fields sway beneath azure skies.
Chamomiles bloom in fields of dazzling white.
Tall birches turn the colour of gold,
Maple leaves turn into intoxicating red, red wine.
A shooting star makes you fervently pray and hope,,,...
Does all this not make you smile ? " ...... :)

My painting - "WINTER SONG" .... a brief interlude
(Watercolour/ Texturing is done with acrylic )

And yes, there is also a personal element attached to this painting too. :)
If I ever come back on this planet , I want to be born as a birch tree, rooted in its place. Or as a tiny colourful snowbird, that flies free.

Painting by Neha Bisht / @nehab

Thank you for viewing and reading... :)
Success & Joy to all ... @nehab


Amazing. I find these paintings alive. It reminds me of a story which i read in class 4. It was of a sparrow and its children where kids keep telling mother sparrow about the Farmer and his son. @nehab ur blessed to be able to canvas your thoughts.

thank you, @honeychum ... I am honoured by your appreciation. How sweet to be reminded of a childhood story :) .... Thank you so much ... Pen is your expression. Brush is mine :). And the new adventure you started of 3 adventurous youths is superb !! Your life is full of experiences . :) :) And that is what life is :)

You are welcome Neha. The fact is that when i look at your pictures they talk to me. I do not know anything about painting or any technical things but when i see a picture or a painting, they talk to me. Like this one and the one with Landsdowne cloud view, the one with the witch heading. Your paintings have soul and i admire depth. You are blessed. :) Now this painting reminds me of a story that i told you but i can also relate it with my parents. That is the beauty of your art. :)

thank you . This is a huge compliment and honour for me . I do try to paint the soul energy the subject :) .... And I paint only that which speaks to me :) ...
Thank you, @honeychm :)

Beautiful painting and beautiful words @nehab :) I also noticed that the berries made it into the painting! ;) LIfe always finds a way to thrive, even in the bleakest of times, this painting really does show that and I think you have described it perfectly here! Great work, as always :)

:) :) :D ... I thought you would notice the berries :D ....Thank you @beautifulbullies . yes, life finds a way to thrive ! You said it well :)

Hi dear @nehab... Was bit busy and I could read your post just now.
Wow!! Your painting as well as your poem reveals so many truths about this life. I always feel that you are reading and writing about my past life....

Even for me, life was like a cold winter, without flow, which I always thought would never change!!. But since last 4 years suddenly it got a U turn.
So no need to dream about another life. You being a good soul, there may be an equal or even more equally good another soul in this God's creation, which I wish you will surely get a chance to meet in this life itself!!

Actually no words can express certain things and some feelings of our inner soul.... That has to be understood silently by another equally good soul....

Your poetry is just superb and so are your beautiful paintings!! Love and hugs..

Thank you @geetharao for your kind words.
"No words can express certain things and some feelings of our inner soul.... That has to be understood silently by another" - you are so correct .
I am so happy to know that since the past four years your life has moved towards happiness and fulfilment. May the blessings of God always be with you and your loved ones. 💕
Everything happens by God's grace . 😊
Your goodness will always bring good energy around you.

I am very honoured by your words and your appreciation. And your kind wishes are a blessing for me 😊💕... Love you. You are a beautiful soul ... 😊

And do not stress over anything. 😊... We all get caught up with work sometimes 😊. Take care of yourself 😊

Yes dear @nehab... It's really a great pleasure for me to have connected with a beautiful soul like you, through this platform... 😘💞

Same here ... :)

Such a beautiful art Neha I also like what you say about life - energy it is like a universal song but everone expres it subjectively.

Thank you, @mihail.tsvetkov ... Yes, you are right. Life-energy is a universal song, but it is unique and subjective to each of us :) ... Your words are always simple and true :)

Still out of words...........

that is the best way to be and the best compliment - to be out of words. :) ... Truly thank you for your appreciation and support :) :) ... Thank you @bluemist ... Great to hear from you :)

Great painting @nehab. I like the meaning it has, and thanks for sharing it with us. I can only imagine how many drawings are maybe just an image to the watcher, but it really has a significant meaning to the painter. Sometimes you can get it, sometimes it remains a mystery. May the cardinals fulfill in flocks your winter!

Pictures and paintings are silent expressions . The viewer and the painter both feel and interpret it uniquely. For instance when you see a Monet or a Van Gogh , an emotion perhaps occurs in your mind. It may or may not sync with the artist's thoughts. :) . But no stimulus is really without thought :) I usually never speak of my thoughts. I prefer the viewer to think freely :) . But here I thought of documenting some aspects of my artwork.. I am so happy that you read and liked my work. thank you for your good wishes, @airmatti May the cardinals bring good tidings and great abundance and compose a beautiful winter song for you , @airmatti :)

Thanks! Honestly I really prefer when an artist give an explication on what was his intention, makes me look at the work in a different way and usually I do appreciate it more, it's like solving a puzzle and I can kind of connect and understand the artist! But I do even understand the chioce to let people free to interpet.

:) :) Yes... solving a puzzle ! That sounds cool. I too love decoding pictures :)

Beautiful art dear and wonderful explanation too.

thank you, @birjudanak ... Thank you for your support and appreciation :)

Beautiful mix medium painting, it gives an impression of 3D, I this is my weak side, watercolor, but I am going to give it another chance

You must. I am sure you will do a great job, with water colours. Your accuracy and details and minute focus is superb.I would love to see your water colour, @stef1
I too am not really a watercolour artist . My techniques are more oil based. :) Acrylic helps create great textures. ... Thank you, @stef1. Really happy that you like it :)

thank you... glad you like it :)

Ur'e welcome,yeah sure

paintings full of meaning .. let's share though different, let's eat together ..LOL

Did not think like this. But yes, it does express harmony despite differences. Thank you @budifatria for adding such a beautiful meaning to the painting. And I am honoured by your appreciation 😊

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