A SHADE DARKER ….. (Pencil & Coffee Art Composition & Poetry By Neha Bisht)

in #art6 years ago (edited)

You committed no crime.
But the crime was committed.
The Dagger was pierced .
The Blood was splattered.

An Atmosphere of Hurt,
Imbalance & Injustice prevails.
A Pain throbs deep,
Breathes toxins into the air.

You committed no crime.
But the crime was committed.

Eyes have run dry.
Blood stains are dry too.
There are pages that are sealed.
And some are missing too.
The end was written.
The story unfolds too.

You committed no crime.
But the crime was committed.
The Dagger was pierced .
The Blood was splattered.

It is all gotten dark …

………….. Poetry & Art By Neha Bisht


WHEN MUSIC FALLS into your ears and registers in your thoughts, your feelings and thoughts ride unbridled.
You never know to which corner of your memory in your conscious or unconscious, the melody will take you.
You can never control the flow of water or the drift of fragrance, the music brings to you.

POETRY IS THE MIRROR OF THE SOUL. You can manipulate the the story. Make it politically correct or twist the words to suit your thought or ideology.
But Poetry is different. It flows like water from the heart. It can never lie.

Poetry , Music & Art for me are mirrors of the soul.
Poetry is my voice. Art is my salvation. Music I love.

SOMETIMES AT A GIVEN MOMENT, the ART I create, the POEM in my head, and the SONG plaguing my heart, come together and fall into each other’s arms. All throb in the same spot.

And this is exactly what happened with my Poem & Art composition “A SHADE DARKER” and this song “You Want It Darker” by Leonard Cohen.

Leonard Cohen is one of the greatest songwriter and singer in my list.
I Love this song  —

“If you are the dealer, I’m out of the game
If you are the healer, it means I’m broken and lame.
If thine is the glory then mine must be the shame.
You want it darker.
We kill the flame.
Magnified, sanctified, be thy holy name.
Vilified, crucified, in the human frame.
A million candles burning for the love that never came.
You want it darker.
I am ready… my Lord !"

My Pencil & Coffee Art Composition. — 

The Dagger was pierced .
The Blood was splattered.

@nehab / Neha Bisht / nehab16

Thank you for your appreciation and support.
Success to all 🍷🍷


Wow, very nicely written. You know that I have started to feel jealous of you. You possess such a wide range of art. You committed no crime.
But the crime was committed.
The Dagger was pierced.
The Blood was splattered.

What do I say? I can relate to this Poem. You are amazing..

thank you @honeychum . It is an honour to be appreciated by you.
My writing is honoured and I am flattered.

I do not possess a range of artistic skills. I possess feelings. Art is nothing but emotions. :)

Thank you :)

Hello Neha Bisht it take me some time to decide what to tell you about this peace of art. There is a deep emotions playing out here art can be process of realizing and expressing those deep hiden emotions and that is powerfull healing. Sometimes we go through darkest periods of time to find out who we really are and unveil the biggest curtains. I see the word betrayal in the context of this story of art you telling us. Interestingly right now we all remeber about the story of Jesus crucifiction or the easter archetype sun of God is born and betreyed to go on the cross to come back alive.
I remember this song since i watch the movie last temptation of Christ somehow magically brings me to that times :) I hope you like it

Yes ! You understood the art correctly, @mihail.tsvetkov . You have X-ray vision !

"Sometimes we go through darkest periods of time to find out who we really are and unveil the biggest curtains. I see the word betrayal in the context of this story of art you telling us. Interestingly right now we all remember about the story of Crucifixion of Jesus or the Easter archetype son of God is born and betrayed to go on the cross to come back alive" . - I love what you wrote, Mihail. It touched me deep.

"Betrayed to go on the Cross and come back alive". This is so true.

Sometimes, nobody is to blame.
Betrayal is just an occurrence in the Universe to move things forward and allow rebirth.
And we all play our role.
The important thing is to understand that nobody is at fault and let go.

I love the music, Mihail. It heals and releases the demons.
This music "the feeling begins". from Last Temptation of Christ connects to the art and thought soulfully.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being so kind and for seeing and knowing and understanding :)
Thank you :)

A song I love very much -

I love your music and your words. They heal, @mihail.tsvetkov :)

I am happy you like it :)

I like this drawing of yours ! Great job ! :-)
how wonderful kit.jpg

Thank you so much. A compliment from you is an honour ! Thank you, @agneslaczo :)

You've really put power to both the poem and the art. They are really infused as one.

Thank you, @leeart . The poem and the art were born of each other. :)
They are one !
You felt it right !
Truly honoured by your feedback and appreciation , @leeart

One can stand alone but it lacks the power that it possesses when it is combined with the other. Great work!

True. But when the thought emanates from the same dot, then all elements of expression synchronise with each other and sing the same song.
It is the emotion. I believe art is an expression of emotion.
A beautiful painting without emotional energy or atmosphere is not necessarily art.
There is a difference between artist and painter. Between poet and writer.
And that difference is important. :-).
What do you say, @leeart ? :-)

I agree with that. The difference gives emphasis on different points. Combine them all and it has a bigger impact. It's like giving power to that one tiny dot until it becomes bigger and bigger consuming everything within reach.

:) :) Yes :)

Beautiful painting and I love the reflection in the iris. As always perfectly supported by wonderful poetry, people say the words can be so sharp that they can make the heart bleed and be poison. But the same time nice supportive words can safe a life , so every of us has a powerful weapon our ability to express ourselves.

The Voice of Leonard Cohen absolutely brilliant and the text fits to his voice very well.

Thank you, @stef1 . You are absolutely right. Words can kill and words can save. And we all have the ability to express.
I am super happy that you liked my work.
And yes, Leonard Cohen is brilliant. He stirs the soul !
Thank you, @stef1 . :)

beautiful poem @nehab

Thank you . I am happy that you like it :)

Talented @nehab! In everything!!!

Thank you @rajskij-sad....
I am honoured by your appreciation :)

A sad and tragic poem, yet very well written. The painting made it more amazing! Xoxoxoxo

Thank you, @bloghound. Sorrow and joy are colours of life. They both exist in equal measure. And they both add meaning to life !. 😊
Thank you so much for your appreciation. I am honoured 😊

Nice poem and painting dear.

Thank you @nimik. Glad you like it 😊💕

Your write very beautiful. I really like your poetry

The end was written.
The story unfolds too.

Above words are perfect for poet.

He can represent one story in 1000 ways and always think that he/she can still add something to this for beautiful end. Complete but incomplete story.

Thank you, @kamesh . Complete, but incomplete story. I think we all all living such a story :)
Thank you for such a beautiful and poetic feedback to my poem. Truly thank you :)

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