Keep Creating Magic ✨

in #art7 years ago


“The human mind is naturally creative, constantly looking to make associations and connections between things and ideas. It wants to explore, to discover new aspects of the world, and to invent. To express this creative force is our greatest desire, and the stifling of it is the source of our misery. What kills the creative force is not age or a lack of talent, but our own spirit, our own attitude. We become too comfortable with the knowledge we have gained in our apprenticeships. We grow afraid of entertaining new ideas and the effort that this requires. To think more flexibly entails a risk - we could fail or be ridiculed. We prefer to live with familiar ideas and habits of thinking, but we pay a steep price for this: our minds go dead from lack of challenge and novelty; we reach a limit in our field and lose control of our fate.” - Robert Greene (Mastery)

I had a great chat this morning with the #dtubedaily family on discord and shared my recent doubts about continuing to purse my interests on this platform and whether or not it was of value. I’ve been feeling pretty insecure about a number of things lately but I was lovingly reminded by my friends about how important it is to follow our desires and to continue forward even when things feel uncertain and rocky. It was also nice to know I wasn’t alone in this feeling. It’s crazy how our expectations of what we think will be received well and the pressure to perform literally inhibits the creative process and we lose sight of why we choose to create. I'm incredibly grateful for a community that reminds me that staying true to what fuels the fire in my heart is more valuable than any reward. Or maybe that itself is the greatest reward. 💗

~ Capturing my sister in her creative process.

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that reminds me that staying true to what fuels the fire in my heart is more valuable than any reward.

You are the reward. All the other stuff is just temporary.

Thanks for sharing the gift that you are with the rest of us, even though you were struggling. The fact that you were open about where you were helped me feel less alone where I was.

I ended up shooting video right after we all talked and and am super excited about the clarity it led me to. It feels like something I've been wanting for a long time is waiting to be opened. Struggle was the wrapping paper, not the gift itself. But if you stop once you reach struggle, you'll never know what's awaiting you inside.

PS: how do you pronounce your name? I was gonna mention you by name but didn't know it off hand so I just said "chatting in the dtube daily discord" instead, lol.

The chat this morning was something I've been needing this last week, I just really put off reaching out because I was so in myself and my mind. It was interesting to see how we all seemed to hold the same worry but hadn't really been vocal about it with each other.

There really is no rewards without struggle, like nothing good comes easy. We really need challenge and dynamic to either encourage or force us to grow. I like your analogy that the process is like unwrapping a gift, sometimes we can get so stuck in the struggle we forget the gift that awaits on the other side. And all the other stuff really is just temporary, it's so easy to get fixated on the tiny details but in hindsight they mean very little. All that should matter is what feels right in your heart.

I'm really glad you felt inspired, I feel like that was the outcome for a few of us, me included. I look forward to seeing your video. 🧡

Also my username is pronounced nee(key) but you can also call me Sarah. 😊


I am, too, going through a bumpy road, struggling between sparks of creativity and weariness from all what's going on in life. I know how you feel, but I strongly encourage you to keep on going. Don't ever feel pressured to create content daily, but use this platform as an opportunity - an outlet for creativity, a motivation, a creative getaway. You have an amazing outlook on life, experience, and talent, and we all love to hear you sharing that with us! 💕
We should all move away from the pressure to perform and excel, and just return back to simply enjoying what we do.

I'd love to talk to you, maybe we can video chat some day. :)

Thanks Kate, it's funny because really the only person putting pressure on me to create is myself. Always my hardest critic! And I don't want to ruin the magic the creativity does for me by feeling like it's a job or chore. It's funny though because with going through all these different emotions it is still creating sparks of inspiration. The joy of art is that you can really take influence from anything.
Thank you for always supporting me. And yes, I would absolutely love to video call. I have a lot more free time now so just let me know what works with your schedule. I know you are quite busy at the moment. 💜

Yes, that's why I think it is fruitless to force oneself to take up, for example, painting daily. Only if you can find that drive which fuels you to practice and continue each and every day, but it should never be a pressure or an obligation.
Inspiration may come from even the darkest emotions, that's the art of living. ❤️

thanks for share ;)

Thanks for visiting. 😊

Fighting the fear is half the battle. I read a lot of books on the craft of writing and most of them say that this fear never goes away. That is scary or comforting depending on how you look at it... personally, I find it a comfort because even the successful still struggle with self-doubt. Basically, it seems to be an important part of the process that will never go away!!! Aaarrrggghhh!!!!!

You are totally right, I think the key to balance is building a positive relationship with your fear and instead of trying to perceive it as something inherently negative, consider, how can I use this to my advantage. What good can I pull from this? And for me in this particular situation it's having great conversations like this! Thanks for being here. 😁

You know you have quality network when you are able to draw from the existing energies and not rely on your own efforts. You're in the flow @neeqi

Thanks @kofibeatz! Been feeling a bit out of flow but I know it pays to have polarities to be able to appreciate it. Having a great network around me has helped pull me back in though. 😊

Keep that creativity fresh in your mind! Don’t let it leave you. Stay strong and persevere on Steemit. That’s what I keep telling myself anyway! 😁

A great mindset to keep for sure @supernovastaffy. I guess we all have our days where we feel rocky and unsure but the best thing about this platform is regardless of how it looks we are all still moving forward regardless of rewards, but in our creative endeavors and relationships and for me that's so much more important. 🧡

You are definitely not alone with these doubts and feelings, Sarah. I heard from a few people already that when your hobby becomes a job it doesn’t make as much fun as it used to. And the fact that we‘re being monetized for everything we post makes this some kind of job.
Reminding yourself from time to time why you actually decided to create is a good self-control I guess. I don’t care about goals anymore like “Reach an amount of x Steem Power by the end of the year” or producing daily videos. Instead I want to create when I’m in the mood. Probably a step in the right direction.

I definitely agree. I use to use other social platforms like instagram and my blog as creative outlets. There were never any rewards besides the few engaging comments. I never did it for anyone else besides myself because I liked to share my thoughts and art. It was simple. So it can be difficult being here where there is such a huge opportunity to be rewarded for the same thing. I am just trying to keep in mind why I moved from those other platforms to Steemit and it wasn't for the money. Even at the very start, I never cared about that. It was just having another creative space to enjoy what I love doing, what I would do anyway without rewards and being surrounded by such amazing and supportive people. I wouldn't know all of the dtubedaily family if it wasn't for that and I am trying to remain grateful because at the end of the day it's much more valuable to me.

Nice vedio, plz upvote comment. God bless
I care about my steempower goals! haha.

Even when you're going through the hardest of times.



That is some truth. Trying to push all this energy around into something good. 💗

oh snap! I thought that was you until the very end of the post lol. now SHE is your twin 😂

if you leave I leave Sara! Ok maybe not really, but I hope the sentiment of that relays my feelings towards how impactful your presence has been to me on Steemit and how me and the rest of the dtubedaily family and everyone of the other ~500 (or however many) followers you have really like watching your journey.

I empathize with the emotional ups and down of being a creator.. but i hope you keep letting that art from your heart and soul shine through for the rest of humanity

Hahah we actually don't look at all similar. She is 6 years younger than I and a good head taller than me, green eyes, fair skin and freckly face but we share very similar mannerisms which can confuse people sometimes.

And I do really appreciate your sentiment. I don't think I could ever leave. I guess I was just a little lost for a moment with my direction and purpose but I know now that's a normal thing to experience. I would be so devastated not being involved with the community. When it comes down to it that's what matters the most to me.

Thanks for always being so supportive @elima. I am still really grateful for the moment I came across your content and we were able to connect. Hoping you've been well. 💛

I hate "value" and "value add" as buzzwords and anything related (and also headlines that contain any of the 5Ws) and this just makes me hate it more XD Of course your interests are of value! Glad you had the dtube crew to give you some encouragement :)


You're right there, I mean inherently everything has value, it's really only us that dictates the degree in which it affects us. Thanks @ryivhnn. I also really appreicate your encouragement!

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