Sunday Sessions - "Observant" - Painting Process

in #art7 years ago (edited)


• Observant •

I've decided that I want to keep to a little series called Sunday Sessions which includes completing a full art piece and documenting the process, and as you may have guessed it, on Sundays. It is my guaranteed day off every week and gives me a lot of time to work on projects like this.

In all honestly though lately I have been feeling absolutely exhausted. It's pretty unusual for me to struggle to rise in the morning and to nap throughout the day but it has been a bit of a theme. I took a few days off Steemit because I was worried I was overloading myself and creating too much pressure to be active and I found that I was really losing motivation to complete the things I'm passionate about. I know how important it is take a step back when you are feeling overwhelmed and instead I just let myself participate in things that really don't require much from me like binge watching episodes and going out for a walk or a people watching session along the esplanade.

Although my energy was low this morning I decided to persevere through and I'm glad I did because I'm pretty happy with what I was able to create. My inspiration was sparked and my piece found fluidity through the comforting sounds of this Joe Rogan podcast. It focus's heavily on the theme of meditation and I found it really enjoyable to listen to whilst painting.


• Initial Sketch •

I'm trying to get more comfortable working on pieces that are on a larger scale. I decided that this piece would work well on A3.


• Skin Tone •

Keeping to the theme of working with things outside my comfort zone, I wanted to experiment with different colours for skin tone. I have a tendency to stick to what I know and really perfect particular things but after a while I tend to get bored with repetition. Going into this piece I knew there was going to be a lot of experimentation. I settled on pink and yellow and like how the colours compliment each other.


• Background •

I have really enjoyed creating background textures by using a straw to blow the paint in different directions. Here I also used a water dropper to create more controlled spots.


• Hands •

Hands are one of my favourite things to draw yet I still find incredibly hard to perfect. I'm really happy with the way the hands came out and once again getting a bit more comfortable with shading and contrast.


• Hair •

When I think about creating hair I feel like I can break the pieces down in my mind but when it comes to putting pen to paper I get a little confused on the fluidity of how the hair moves and shapes. There are a few things here that I would've changed but I am slowing starting to understand how it works. I couldn't decided what colour to settle on for the hood and decided on green thinking it would contrast okay because of the background.


• Face •

The way the face is designed was inspired by a portrait of Alex Grey. He drew these emanating rings that create this really psychedelic feel to his face. I tried to recreate the same effect with pencil which I felt originally worked, but when I went to paint over the lines I just didn't have a fine enough brush to get lines that I was satisfied with. I questioned if I should've used black fine liner instead. Before I finalised the piece I used an eraser to remove any pencil markings which ended up lightening the face and lines to which I preferred.


• Details •

Originally I hadn't planned to outline any of this piece because a lot of the watercolour artists' I draw inspiration from have the ability to bring their pieces together without doing this. But without the lining I felt like everything lacked a little dimension. I guess this is something to work on in the future although its not necessarily something I want to remove from my style altogether. I added my signature dots to the hair and some gold trim to the hood just for some pop.

I'm pretty damn pooped right now but regardless feeling super happy that I was able to complete this. I'd love to hear your thoughts so please feel free to leave any comments or feedback.

Big love to you!
Sarah. 🍄
31B8D3CE-7171-4BBA-B952-75717CE7086F 2.JPG


You can really paint! Also, I can see you are killing here with the rewards haha Glad to see that your time and efforts are paying off so fast!

Thank you! I have so much gratitude towards you for showing me this platform. I never expected one of my posts to be this successful but it has motivated me so much to keep persevering with my passions.

You're flying on Steemit now! Great Message and painting skill!

I can not begin to tell you the shock I got seeing how well this post has done. Feeling all the good feels! 😁

I'm so happy for ya!

Thank you!!

Wow, this is a beautiful piece of art about inner sight. We forgot about our third eye, which is more important, than physical eyes.

Thank you! And I agree, what we perceive through the physical eye can often be very limiting. Seeing with the third eye is like observing through the unity of all the senses.

A little series will hurt nobody , i think such a series is a great addition , keep documenting :-)

Thank you! I think it will help me stay accountable to creating more art and this is one of my goals for this year. 😊

wow such a great work of art! i especially like the work on the hair and the combination of green and yellow colors is a good choice! great work! :)

@andywong31 Thank you! Sometimes you can surprise yourself with a bit of experimentation! I appreicate your feedback. 💛

Yeah its good to experiment from time to time! Thank you for your opinion! 😀

I really like your piece! I enjoy the color palette you chose and I think you did a great job with the hair! I too have been personally working on hair - I have been watching a lot of other artist's tutorials on hair and I have been trying to implement a lot of those techniques which have really helped me! Following and looking forward to seeing more of your work!

@j-vo Thank you! I've been trying to balance my art practice with the theory and development side by watching tutorials and completing different experimental exercises. I know it just comes down to practice. Also I love your digital art pieces, the one of Hermione is so awesome! It makes me so happy to be a part of such a supportive community. I've followed you back and look forward to seeing more of your pieces!

Always love series like this. It's great to see other artist's work; not only it is interesting, it is also very motivating. It's a struggle to get up to work or do things that you love when you're feeling out of it. But glad to see you've created this lovely piece.

I think creating a series like this holds me accountable to keeping a good practice. Sometimes its okay to take a step back from things if you are feeling a bit worked but I also think its good to keep good habits because it naturally increases your productivity and motivation. One of my goals for the year is to improve on my art and the only way that will happen is if I keep creating!

I love your piece - There is a Certain Victory in Giving Up. There is definitely an art to surrender, if anything removing the pressure on ourselves can actually open up the flood gates to more creativity. It's good to be observant of the direction of flow, it may be moving in the opposite direction of your intention but it will always lead you in the right way.

I agree! Often focusing on just one aspect of life is the cause for us to stop enjoying other stuffs. When the pressure builds up, our brains will automatically associate the things we like to stress. So, it's good to give up sometimes. But developing habit is definitely a good way to avoid pressure. After i've done Inktober challenge way back in 2016, it became easy for me to ink every day.

Thank you for the advice on habit as well~

Hands are the toughest, I know! :) Anyway, you did it well! Your creative approach and your language amazes me! Keep up the work!

I know I find them super challenging yet I love when they are drawn well so it's something I plan to work on. And thank you, I appreciate it a lot!

I loved seeing the process bit by bit build up until the final image and the breakdown of what you've done! Absolutely beautiful work! I've truly gained inspiration by seeing your work. Definitely gonna be doing some painting next :D

@dangerouslyhigh. Thank you! I'm glad you appreciate it. I like documenting the process because when you're in the piece and creating you don't really see the steps. But breaking it down gives me a point of reference if there are things I would do differently in the future. You've got some cool art yourself! And I really enjoyed ready about stories and personal experiences with substances.

this art piece is stunning. =)

Thank you! 😊

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