Liberty Tree: The Roots Of Our Rights | Gilded Pure Silver Leaf and Acrylic enamel painting on solid basswoodsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #art8 years ago (edited)

The source of all freedom, liberty
and natural rights comes from the Most High.

To deny the divine, is to deny your divinity, your soul, and inherited naturally divine rights. As a man thinks, so is he. Cutting yourself off from your spiritual roots by anti-faith and material-world only thinking renders your higher-self null and void. Man did not create man, therefore man does not have a rightful authority over another man. Imposters rule by violence and deception. God is the only true and rightful authority, and His law, common law or universal law is the foundation of the Constitution. 

In a world of moral ambiguity it must be stated:
Truth is the Truth. Right is right. Wrong is wrong.
This is not an emotional statement or condemnation. God is love. The commandments of the Most High directs man to give up their wrongs not their rights. We the people invented the government, its purpose to protect and serve us. The government may be a good tool but it's a horrible master. Currently in the USA there are approximately 300,000 laws that carry criminal penalties (US Today), God gave Moses 10 laws (Ten Commandments), and Jesus summed them all up to two; love God and love your neighbor. (Matthew 22:36-40) It is clear that God-made rules liberates, and man-made rules oppress. 

"You have Rights antecedent to all earthly governments: Rights, that cannot be repealed or restrained by human laws; Rights, derived from the Great Legislator of the universe." ~ John Adams

Detail Pic / Partial View

basswood panel

black enamel layer

pure silver leaf

gilding silver to panel

painting first layer of image

final artwork

Liberty Tree: The Roots Of Our Rights
Gilded Pure Silver Leaf and Acrylic enamel
painting on solid basswood.
5" X 7" and 1 1/2" thick. by @nathanjtaylor

@nathanjtaylor Follow for art and inspiration, thanks!


Gorgeous. I really like your style. I would definitely hang this on the wall in my house.


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