Oil Painting #23 : Abstract Art Of Flames In A Forest

in #art6 years ago

Hello Everyone,

I Guess You Hear About Forest Fires. Ironically Most Of Them are Human Made From An Unattended Fire, A Discarded Cigarette Or A Single Match Stick. We Cannot Do Anything For The Flames Ignited Due To Lighting.

So This Painting Is To Remind Those Idiots Who Has To Put Of The Fire When They Are Playing Around With Fire In A Forest.

Remember Forests Are The Lungs, Purifying The Air and Giving Fresh Energy To Everyone. So Stop Destroying Them.

Painting 14.jpg

Abstract Art : Oil Painting Of Flames In A Forest


Canvas Board

Colors : Brown And Shades Of Brown, Yellow, Orange, White And Black.

Palette Knife, Brushes : All Synthetic Brushes. ( Pointed Round, Detail Round, Round, Fan, Flat Brushes)

If You Listen Through The Screen Of Your Desires, Then You Obviously Listen To Your Own Voice; You Are Listening To Your Own Desires - "Jiddu Krishnamurti"

Enjoy The Art.




Adorable executed .. i really love thode flames in your creative work ..
Nd friend i am back on steemit .. i really was really missing your creative work and you my friend .. love to see your blogs again 🤗

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank You Very Much For Your Kind Words Buddy ... :) Very Glad That I Have Impressed You WIth My Work ... And Welcome Back :)

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Image Source cloudinary.com

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