Tattoos are really awesome!

in #art8 years ago

Lately I've been in a period where I had really nothing to write about, as has probably happened to all my steemian friends, isn't it? hahahah

But today at midnight with nothing to do I have thought a topic that my whole life I have always seemed curious about the different points of view that people can have.

This topic is: tattoos!

Usually when we think of tattoos, we are used to think the image of a rocker.

Those people with rebellious style that often seems rude.

Many years ago people even used to associate tattooed people with a criminal image.

At least this taboo has been changing over time.

Today there are people who simply are tattooed for pleasure, because they like to see their body to be modified.

Even his many tattoos often are combined with body implants, making them look like "devil's people".

There are people who like the idea of tattooing, but not in an exaggerated manner as those in the previous point. Maybe they can tattoo a complete arm or even both, but they are unlikely to reach as far as the "satanics" (I'm kiddin' about satanics).

Also there are those who might have a picture tattooed with some personal meaning. Many of these argue that in order to get tattooed you must have a "mystical" or "emotional" reason to do it. (I am honestly disagree with this idea, if you want to get a tattoo of a flying pig with a hat, feel free to do so)

And how not? there are also the conservatives who say that tattoos is something of criminals or people with serious mental or character problems. (Obviously I disagree with this as well)

the truth is that today's society in general has been accepting tattoos as normal in a person.

I personally love tattoos.

I have a friend who makes these works and to be honest, in their different styles, I find his drawings really amazing.

I have not a tattoo yet for the simple reason that I have no money (It's really expensive living in Venezuela). But in the not too far future I will fill my both arms and a part of the chest with tattoos by the simple fact that "I want it and I do not give a * # $ & €". (hahahaha I had to say it that way)

And probably they won't have a "mystical" meaning. 

For fear of what people will say or think, some people do not get tattooed as they want. 

There are even those who do get a tattoo, but they try to give any meaning to the drawing made in their skin to avoid falling into the mouths of others.

Well let me tell you something, do not listen to anyone.

If you want to get a tattoo of anything, no matter how ridiculous people think it is, feel free to do so.

It's your body and therefore you are master of what you do with it. The same applies to other modifications, but this is for another post.

Here are a couple of tattoos that I like.

Long life to rock and roll... And of course, long life to tattoos! 

Images taken from 

Follow me for more @mynameisricky thanks for reading!  ;)


Many people have asked me how I think I will feel in a few decades about my tattoos. My skin will sag, lines will develop, but if I care for my body art properly it will be the youth of my decaying vessel.

Yeah many people often say that :/ but if you feel well it's all okey

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