Jingdezhen Ceramic Art (Original) 景德镇陶瓷艺术

in #art8 years ago

Jingdezhen is located in Huangshan, Huaiyu Mountain and the Poyang Lake Plain transition zone,
Jingdezhen known as China's porcelain, exquisite porcelain, Jingdezhen Fuliang in kaolinite village "kaolin", kaolin is the main raw material for the production of ceramics in the whole of ChinaJingdezhen is famous for its ceramics, tableware and tea sets. My city is close to Jingdezhen, only 120 km. If you like ceramic art, you can visit the ancient kiln of Jingdezhen. Learning, you can understand all of the ceramic production process, There are many ceramic academies in Jingdezhen, which provide a lot of talents for the development of ceramics in Jingdezhen. Ceramic art is a comprehensive course, which involves almost all walks of life from ancient Chinese culture, calligraphy, art, painting, creation and life.
景德镇地处黄山、怀玉山余脉与鄱阳湖平原过渡地带, 景德镇被称为中国的瓷都,瓷器精美绝伦,在景德镇浮梁县高岭村 “高岭土” ,高岭土是生产陶瓷的主要原料,在全中国只有这里盛产.
几百年的陶瓷生产文化使得景德镇闻名全球,我们家所有的陶瓷,餐具,茶具都是景德镇生产,我生活的城市距离景德镇很近,只有120公里, 如果你喜欢陶瓷艺术,去景德镇古窑参观学习,你能了解所有的陶瓷生产工艺.

Ceramics is not only used to use, can also be used to collect, today I would like to show a collection of ceramics, which is my friend from Jingdezhen brought , used as a decorative ceramic art
陶瓷不仅用来使用,也可以用来收藏,今天我想展示一组陶瓷收藏,这是我的朋友从景德镇特地带来的,外行看热闹,内行看门道, 这么贵重的礼物,用来吃饭,摔掉一个就可惜了,用作摆设它始终是陶瓷艺术

In the light of the photo crystal clear, very beautiful, compared to ordinary ceramics, exquisite workmanship, and very light, the entire ceramic art all the same painting

Jingdezhen such a lot of ceramics, traditional handmade ceramics is not exactly the same one, excellent ceramics are Seiko production, the general author will not be sold.


真漂亮,我喜欢粉色 :)

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