My aquarelle art from last month and my etsy store

in #art6 years ago

-old Bergen alley

Topic of this blog is my aquarelle art. 

-Stavechurch in Heddal Norway
I love aquarelle, it`s a very soothing and soft way to express yourself. I like to paint places and landscapes either from my own imagination or as a memory of where i have been and where i want to go. I give those places the colour that i think suits them best, to describe the emotions i have while i look at the original piece.   


Often i do the line and wash technique, which means i will outline the objects with a black fineliner and colour them later. I try not to get lost in details, but it`s just to much fun to make those details. Every piece is handmade over several hours and on highquality paper.   

-finished piece, a snowy alley in Roros Norway

Since it`s winter my aquarelles cover the topic snow, but since it wont stay winter forever, i will practise to make my paintings also sunny and bright. Enlarging my colourcomfortzone.

I finally have my `lil etsy shop online again :) 

But i wouldn`t be an artist if didn`t just go loose once in a while, sometimes i don`t want order in my pieces and i just let chaos take over. 

-The picture from my header

-attempt of a lake


It reminds me of short fairy tale that I read when I was a kid.
good and fascinating.

Thank you very much

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