Coffee Zombie. The end.

in #art6 years ago


Coffee Zombie. The end.


The whole story

Due to logistics problems, it was impossible to give life to the project I had in mind to participate in the @kommienezuspadt contest, which this week had as its theme that fantastic world of brain-eating. Zombies

But as often happens, I inevitably fell into thoughts parallel to the subject in question. Thinking in a rambling manner should also be considered as a kind of talent.
So I ended up with this idea that zombies feed of brains because they lack one. And there is a class of humans, class to which I belong, to which the brain goes off when it is time to sleep. And if it does not turn off, it travels through a space-time channel and ends in an alternative dimension and in the same way becomes useless. If this happens when one sleeps for a few hours, when one dies, the effect should be much worse.
The point is.. that every morning, when I relive, I need to recover a brain.
That elixir known as coffee, allows me to perform that magic.
Aspire the aroma and the first gulp, establish the necessary connection to give the spark and re-ignite the boot system and to take back that lost mind in a distant world.
So, if one day after the Apocalypse, I get up and start walking around and one of you sees me, do not fear, I am harmless.
Just give me a cup of coffee.
…Or several.


Watch the making of on Dtube


With zombie love




what a neat art, @mr-monk :D the video is also amazing <3 and yeah i've also not been able to complete my entry for that contest, but the turn out is amazing so i'm glad for it !!!

looking forward to see more wonderful and creative stuff from you <3

We'll see what tomorrow brings @veryspider ;)

@mr-monk me gusto mucho eso de ...pensar de manera divagante también debería considerarse una manera de talento...
Estoy de acuerdo, es como una lluvia de ideas en nuestro cerebro hasta que nos conectamos a una. Muy lindo y original su trabajo, su arte.

Que bien que le gustó @miriam11.
Creo que no siempre conectamos con la mejor de las ideas, pero si todo saliera según lo planeado, las aventuras no tendrían cabida en ese mundo.

Guao @mr-monk eres de verdad un artista increible!!!! me tienes super sorprendida!! te bendigo

Muchas gracias @johanaoviedo.
Eres una conocedora!
Saludos ;)

Me encanto tu zombie de café! Jajaja, yo soy igual, necesito mi café en la manana todos los dias. Muy bien escrito tu texto, me hiciste reir :) Oye lastima que se ahogo el zombie!

Agua eres y en agua te convertirás!
Oye, acabo de postear el nuevo juego. Se pone bueno. Estas cordialmente invitada @jessicapixie

That was kind of hypnotic watching the drawing wash away. There were some cool stages in between. Fitting that the first thing to go was the brains :) Love - Carl

Hahaha..Coffee Life!
You are water, And to water you shall return.

Es realmente asombroso, me encanto. Es bueno encontrar de vez en cuando algo único, algo muy original en esta plataforma, Saludos!

asombroso es, que éstas tecnologías nos pongan en contacto a miles de kilómetros y nos dejen conectar con seres únicos e irrepetibles afines a nuestras locuras ;)

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