The Third Eye.

in #art8 years ago (edited)


Location of the Third Eye
The main channel of the Third Eye is located a little above the middle of the eyebrows (Shangen point) and the pineal gland, according to some Masters.

The pineal gland is physically right in the center of our brain, it is shaped like a fruit of the pine tree, pineapple shape, (see video to the fial) so called Pineal, according to scientific studies this gland its function is to generate a Hormone very important for the human being is Melatonin, which is generated every time there is darkness to sleep, so it is very important to sleep well and well and be attentive in what we dream noting and related that message can be there as it can Be a message of our deepest awareness

1.- The correct location is tracing a vertical line from the center of the skull ...

  1. Draw a horizontal line from the eyebrow where these two lines meet, in the center. There is the Brahmarundra, called by Modern Psychology the Hippocampus ... this is the location!

About regular viewing.

The way an ordinary person sees things with their physical eyes, works the same way as a camera: Through the regulation of the lens or the size of the pupil, an image is generated in the pineal body through the optic nerve , According to the distance of an object and the different spectra of light.

The Pinea Gland and the Light

For the biologists of the last century, the pineal gland was barely an atrophied organ, which throughout human evolution had lost its function and utility. But when in 1959 the American researcher Aaron Lerner related this organ to the production of a hormone called melatonin, many scholars became interested in this gland and in the legendary theories that linked it to the third eye.
The first thing that was discovered was that the pineal gland, although located in the center of the brain mass, was almost as sensitive to light as the retina: darkness managed to activate it, causing it to produce more melatonin, while The light kept her in a sort of lethargy.

Since melatonin is a hormone involved in sexual development and also in certain depressive conditions, it was possible to understand why in cold countries, where sunlight was scarce, little stimulation of the pineal gland caused late sexual maturation and pictures Depressants much more frequent. But at the same time (although the statistics did not deal with this "detail" also in the places of rigorous winters like Tibet or Scandinavia the paranormal powers seemed more frequent, because of a greater pineal activity

Opening of the Third Eye

To open the Third Eye, the canal must first be opened by external force or by its own cultivation. The shape of the canal varies from person to person. It can be oval, round, rhomboid or triangular. The better you cultivate, the more round your shape. Second, the Third Eye is given by one's teacher or is cultivated through one's own effort. Finally, there must be essence of Qi in the place where the Third Eye is located.

  1. Some see a dark hole, like a deep well, which means that the channel of the Third Eye is dark.

2.- Others see a white corridor, which indicates that the channel of their Third Eye is about to open, if they see something in front of the opening.

3.- Some see something turning, which is what the teacher has implanted them to open the Third Eye. After the channel is opened with the rotating movement, you can use the Third Eye.

4.- Some may see a large eye, which is often believed to be the Buddha's Eye, but is actually our own eye. This happens frequently to those with good innate qualities.

According to our statistics, (of Falun Dafa) more than half of the students in each session have opened their Third Eye. But there arises a problem associated with what happens after the opening. A person who does not have a good Xinxing is inclined to use his Third Eye to do evil. (?) To prevent this problem, I will open your Third Eye directly to the level of the "Eye of Wisdom," to the high plane, so that they can See directly the scenes in other dimensions. That will appear during practice to convince you and increase your confidence in cultivation.

A beginner whose Xinxing has not reached the required height of a person with supernatural abilities, is able to make mistakes once he is in possession of these powers. For example, to say something funny, this person walks down the street and stops to buy a lottery ticket and chooses the jackpot. I only use this example to explain what I want to tell you. Such a thing is not allowed to happen. There is another reason: We are here to open the Third Eye on a large scale. Think, would it be normal for human society if everyone could see through a wall or through the body of another person with their Third Eye? This would seriously affect the normal state of human society. That is why it is not allowed to do it, nor should it be done. This would not do you any good but would strengthen your attachment as a practitioner. This is why I open the Third Eye of you directly to the high plane, rather than on a low plane.
Third Eye Plans

The Third Eye exists on many planes. He sees different dimensions on different planes. Buddhism distinguishes the following five types of vision:

1.- The Vision of the Physical Eye,

  1. The Vision of the Celestial Eye,
    3.- The Vision of the Eye of Wisdom,
    4.- Vision of the Eye of the Law and
    5.- Vision of the Buddha Eye.

Each plane is subdivided into three levels:

1.- superior,
2.- medium
3.- low.

Underneath the plane of the Vision of the Celestial Eye, one can only see things in this physical world.

Only above the plane of the Vision of the Eye of Wisdom can one see other dimensions. Some people have the ability to penetrative vision. They can see things with even better precision than a scanner (T.A.C.). But what they perceive is still our physical world without going beyond the space in which we live. Therefore, your Third Eye can not be considered to be on a high plane.

The height level of our Third Eye depends on how much Qi essence it possesses and at the same time how broad and bright its main channel is, as well as the degree of obstruction in that channel. The essence of Qi in the channel is crucial for the complete opening of the Third Eye. It is very easy to open the Third Eye of a child under the age of six. I do not even have to use my hand to open it.

(Falun Dafa Words) The moment I speak, your Third Eye will open. This is because the innate qualities of a child are very little affected by the badness of this physical world. He has not done anything wrong either, and his innate Qi essence is very well preserved. However, the Third Eye of a child over six will be increasingly difficult to open because as it grows, it will be more influenced by the outside world. This is because, as he grows up, he is exposed to rudeness, indulgence and evil deeds, which could lead him to consummate his essence of Qi. The whole essence of Qi will dissipate upon reaching a certain point. Those who have consumed their entire essence of Qi can gradually recover it through cultivation, but it will take a very long period of time and go through many painful efforts. Therefore, the essence of Qi is extremely valuable.

I am against opening the Third Eye of one to the plane of the Vision of the Celestial Eye, (says Falun Dafa, in the Sufi Order is different, will be given further explanations in the future) because when a cultivator does not have great Power of Energy, The use of penetrative vision consumes more energy than a practitioner can accumulate through practice. If too much essence of Qi is consumed, its Third Eye will be closed again. Once it is closed, it will be very difficult to reopen it. Therefore, I prefer to open the Third Eye of my students to the plane of the Vision of the Eye of Wisdom. (According to Falun Dafa) This enables them to see things in other dimensions, regardless of whether they can see clearly or not. Due to the different conditions that one brings at birth, some see clearly; Some see things that appear and then disappear; Others see things blurry. But at least you can see some light. This will do you good to promote your cultivation to a high level. Not being able to see clearly can be improved through cultivation.

What a person with insufficient Qi essence sees through his Third Eye is in black and white. A person with more Qi essence perceives a vision in color and what he sees is clearer. The more Qi essence one has, the clearer the vision. However it varies from person to person. Some people are born with their Third Eye open. Others have their Third Eye rather clogged.

The opening of the Third Eye is seen as the blossoming of a flower with its petals expanding in layers, one after another. When you are sitting cross-legged, at the beginning you will see a ball of light, which will not be so bright at first, but will later turn red.

The Third Eye of some is so firmly clogged, that upon opening it, it can cause a violent reaction. They will feel that the main channel and the muscles of the pineal body become more and more tight, as if the muscles are gathered there, pushing inwards. You will also experience swelling and pain in the temples and forehead. All these are reactions that one experiences when opening the Third Eye. A person with his Third Eye ready to open may see something accidentally.

(Falun Dafa Experiences) In a reading session, there was a student who saw my Body Law accidentally. When he tried to see it again, he could not do it because he was actually using his physical eyes. If he gets to see something with his eyes closed and keeps doing it like this from beginning to end, little by little he will be able to perceive an image clearly. However, if he wants to see him closely, he will not see anything, because he is using his physical eyes and optical nerves.

Dimensions perceived by the Third Eye

The dimensions perceived by the Third Eye in different planes are very different. Some scientific research institutions are not aware of this. As a result, the Qigong tests they designed did not achieve the desired results or turned out to be contrary to their expectations. For example, one institution designed a method for testing supernatural abilities. Qigong masters were required to see what was in a sealed box. As Qigong masters had their Third Eye open on different planes, they gave different answers. As a result, the examiners concluded that the Third Eye was false and misleading. In such a test, a person with his Third Eye open on a low plane usually gets better results, because his Third Eye is only open to the plane of the Vision of the Celestial Eye; An appropriate level for perceiving objects only in the physical world. Those who know nothing about the Third Eye may think that these people possess the greatest supernatural ability. Any object, whether organic or inorganic, manifests itself in different forms in different dimensions.

Take a glass for example. The moment it is done, it has a corresponding intelligent entity in another dimension. This intelligent entity was something else before this existence. He who has the Third Eye open in a lower plane, sees it as a vessel. He with the Third Eye on a higher plane perceives his form of intelligent entity in another dimension. He with the Third Eye at a much higher level has the ability to observe the form of this matter before the intelligent entity takes its form.

The Remote View

With the opening of the Third Eye, some people can acquire the Remote Vision, which enables them to see things at a distance of 1000 Li (Chinese miles). Each and every one of us has our own space, which is as big as the universe. In this specific space, in front of your front there is a mirror, which can not be seen in our space. The mirror is available to all, but the mirror of a non-practitioner faces himself. When one begins to practice, the mirror gradually begins to turn around. After the mirror turns around it will reflect what the person wants to see. In this specific space, he is very big, his body is immense and the mirror is too. Anything the grower wants to see can be reflected in the mirror. Although the image has been captured, it still can not see it, because the image has to remain in the mirror for a moment.

The mirror turns and shows the image, then quickly turns again. The mirror keeps rotating again and again quickly. A film produces continuous movements that can be seen when given at the speed of twenty-four images per second. As the mirror rotational speed is faster than that of a film, the practitioner can obtain clear, moving images. This is what we call Remote Viewing. This principle is so simple, that I have revealed it in a few words. All this is the secret of secrets.

The penetrative vision, a supernatural ability, is achieved through the pineal body looking directly outward through the Third Eye.

The one that is kept open will depend on being Initiated by a vegetarian Initiator ... Let the Initiate be a vegetarian and carry a discipline of constant meditation, as well as other requirements!

For this it is important to analyze who gives the INICIACION, as well as who receives it ...

Let the Initiator be backed by an Initiatic body, that is, a Chain of Teachers, a Lineage! ... Normally ...

The Third Eye of an ordinary person is obstructed, because the opening of its main channel is very narrow and obscure, and there is no essence of Qi or light in it. The Third Eye of some people can not see because their main channel is obstructed.

Suggested Techniques for Opening the Third Eye

1.- Sit in front of a wall or white cloth, important is that it does not have spots or wrinkles.

2.- The distance between you and the wall or the fabric should be two meters approximately.

  1. Keep your eyes fixed and not blinking on the wall. The eyes, rather, the look, must be blurred, This is an important detail. At first it may seem difficult, but you get it easily as you exercise.

  2. You must be relaxed, calm and the mind must be clear of thoughts. Many people say that "keeping a clean mind" is not an easy task. It may be true, but do not worry if at first you do not succeed, keep practicing, because as in all exercises is fundamental. Many nonetheless long periods of practice have failed to "keep the mind clean" absolutely, but this does not prevent the goal from being reached

5.- At 3 minutes you begin to feel tingling in the eyebrows and then images appear on the wall or cloth. These images can be landscapes, letters or anything. After a month of daily practice you can see especially at night things that were not perceptible before ..

Exercise can also be practiced in the dark. It is obvious that in this case the white wall is not necessary for us, but the unfocused look must be maintained. Within 10 minutes of being in the dark you start to feel a tingling in the forehead, it can also be a pressure in the brow. Then you can see colors, lightning, very small stars, etc., This varies in each person.

Technique of "veil" and "I see"

We have already mentioned that the pineal gland is activated in the dark and atrophies when receiving too much light. This was widely proved by the neurobiologies that enunciated the theories "Velo" and "Veo and VEO, related to this phenomenon.

Technically Veils

See the name applied to the activation of the pineal gland, through sessions of prolonged darkness, until you can see the objects in spite of the lack of light. "After a training session several sessions," says a subject in adaptation test VELO, "placed before my eyes an object that I did not recognize, before being completely submerged in the shadows. I noticed clearly that it was a bouquet of orchids. The most interesting thing is that there was a point where I could see its colors and all its details, thanks to a kind of pulsating light that radiated from the plant.

I see technically

Technically I see blindfolded in a bright spot, trying to concentrate the energy in the eyebrow, until perceiving the images. This exercise is more complicated than the "Velo" practice, it requires more training and concentration and, for that reason, for those who start in the development of their third eye it is more advisable to go to the "Velo" technique.

However, both light exercises are very useful to improve the pineal functioning: allowing gradually to learn to see in the dark, improving one's intuition and helping those who practice it can distinguish the aura (a luminous irradiation and Color that surrounds all living beings).

Tips for practicing the technique "I see" or "Velo"

  1. Choose a quiet place that can become completely dark.

  2. Place a colorful object in front of you (for example, a bouquet of flowers).

  3. Turn off the light and stay in the ostrudiad observing the colorful object for 10 minutes.

During this time, try to stay very focused. To achieve this, he breathes in a slow and deep breath, trying not to think of any matter that might distract him from his practice.

Repeat on a daily basis, for one week, the VELO practice. Try to be attentive to the new details that you discover every day in the object mentioned, because despite the darkness your pineal gland will be sharpened until you can distinguish the details of form and tones.

Look for the collaboration of someone to apply the VELO exercise in visualization of the aura. For a week, just as you did with the flowers, watch your partner in the dark, trying to concentrate mostly on his head and hands.

If you can open the energetic channels of your pineal gland you will notice radiating on the head and hands of your companion (it will give you the impression that these limbs lengthen) despite there being no light in the room. If in addition to the contour of these members can distinguish nuances of color, it will be synonymous that his third eye is beginning to wake up.
Once acquired this pineal ability, get a crystal of quartz and repeat the exercises holding this stone over his eyebrow. This will boost the energy capacity of your sixth chakra and perhaps - if you are a person who connects
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