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RE: 60+ HOUR ART ILLUSTRATION, Fantasy Marketplace, Took soo long..Steps + GIF

in #art6 years ago (edited)

It’s so easy to get lost in our ideas, isn’t it. And, perspective mistakes can be the worst to correct – it’s a lot easier these days with digital art than in the old days when you had to plot the perspective out with actual math you had to work out on your own. LOL

Your final product is terrific. It kind of reminds me of Robert Asprin’s Myth series cover art.

I followed your links from the @curie chat on Discord.


Thank you so much @momzillanc Im glad you like the final product! It was quite a process... and yea deleting/erasing things is MUCH easier these days than back in the old traditional design days. I still Had to do plenty of math and plotting out points of perspective... still hard but Not as hard as back when it was only on paper :). Thanks again for commenting!!

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